Payment Methods
Bank Transfer
While there are several methods of payment, please be aware that a direct bank transfer is always going to be the preferred method as it saves hassle, is the least prone to delays, limits confusion and avoids possible theft. However, posting details here isn’t viable. Please contact me and I’ll send you details directly.
International Bank Transfer
Similarly, for international transfers requiring IBAN and Swift, please contact me and I’ll send you details directly.
If you can’t pay by bank transfer or wish to pay by credit card instead, please use PayPal.
- Link
- Process: When selecting to make a payment, please choose to ‘I’m sending money to family or friends‘ and choose to pay the sender’s fee.
- Fees: Details on the fee can be found here on the PayPal site.
If you wish to pay by Cheque, please consider paying the cheque in at your local bank. Provide the details described in the Bank Transfer section above to the bank teller. If this is not possible, please contact me for the address details.
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