Past Game Books – ACNI 2025
The game book contain lists of the players and GMs associated with the various games that have been selected for play over the years.
AmberCon NI 2025 Game Book
Tuesday – Slot 1 (Evening)
(7pm – Late)
Game 1/1: Niflheim
GM: Matthew B
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG Live(ish)
Genre: Mystery and Power
You struggled through the ashen snow to get here, the one light you could see on the horizon. Your mind is a fog in this world of gray and white, the blinding snow cutting into your skin. As you trudge the mortal amongst your followers have fallen and you alone approach the campfire.
There you can see huddled together, a few others, recovering. You are in an old stone tower lit by a beacon. Its cold in here but better than the niflheim outside. Even you, a scion of Amber reduced by fatigue to a frozen wreck.
You came here to find the source of power of a great enemy, you collapse eating the last of your rations and hope that at least tomorrow might bring better hope with potential allies around, but that will be tomorrow.
Give me an Amberite based on 300 points (basic pattern MUST be bought). No buying down any characteristic (you would not have made it here). No items, people, minions, or shadows (at least not at the start). Your stored magic has been used up keeping you alive to this point, and you will have none hung when the game starts. Advanced powers will all be limited by the rules of the place and may be altered to things you don’t understand. My normal rules for combat so don’t expect one stat to rule them all. (Strength is body control, raw power, warfare is training and skill and ranged, psyche is confusing the enemy and misdirection, endurance is keeping it up). No powers will let you leave or communicate outside at the start of the game, and why would you, you came here seeking the power of your great enemy. There is stuff and you don’t have to spend all your points.
Please also answer the following questions:
1) Who is your great enemy?
2) What did they do to hurt you so bad?
3) What do you think their source of power is?
4) Who is your Amberite parent, if you know?
5) Describe three places you passed on your way here. These are things you passed in the wastes as you closed on the tower. Keep it brief: a closed church, a walled tower, a thick marsh, standing stones, etc.
1) My great enemy is Oberon.
2) Duh, he’s Oberon he twisted my father and uncles into his monstrous playthings.
3) I don’t know but I think its something to do with the pattern or the jewel of judgement.
4) Eric (and no I don’t blame Corwin he and my father were both twisted from one source).
5a) A walled old farmhouse with broken shutters.
5b) A lake of ice that cracked, I almost fell in and drowned.
5c) A large standing stone covered in old symbols.
The story will be based on what I am given before the convention, if I do not get your character at least two weeks before the convention you are unlikely to have a solid part written into the plot. Please submit early. This game may be run more than once. If you are in more than one they are not connected please submit a different character.
- Angus B
- George K
- Judith S
- Kevin D
- Matthew B (GM)
- Natalie A
- Shadow A
Game 1/2: ISEKAI : A Random Villains Rebirth : A Little Miss Fortune
GM: Keith PM
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPGish
Your story starts in the vast risen City of Karrath that stands as a testament to the enigmatic, power and will of one of the very principles of creation, the Sovereign of Summers Lost: It shaping as immutable as the laws of the worlds will, Rising high above the blasted Plains the glacial realm guarded by mighty walls of towering black ice, amidst the wide avenues and twisting alleys birthed from shadowed archways, a Gothic City that stands as a labyrinthine web of secrets. Echo’s drift of a child mirth. Its paved streets echo with the whispers of forgotten hymns and the moons cast elongated shadows upon bright new fresh hewn stone, adorned with fresco’s of a woman and child at play. Turrets and spires pierce the snow heavy sky, their stone surfaces etched with lost eldritch runes that at times seemingly flow and warp .
The air smells fresh and crisp with the gentle kiss of frost and winters bouquet, with a hint of regurgitated milk. The flickering mage-lights illuminate the winter white honeysuckle, Lenten roses, snowdrops and the rose-pink flowers of wintery cherry blooms. Its tree lined avenues hold a festive air, garlands of flowers and weir-lights sparkles lead to the City’s heart where lies a vast Cathedral, its stained glass windows depicting scenes of martyrdom and redemption, armies lead by battle maidens of winters war. In places coloured chalk mar the sacred stones. A temple and palace both to enshrine Winter’s Heart. The Eternal Princess of Cold and Frost, Concept Winter and their daughter.
This adventure starts in the normal way, with characters old and new, told about those who wished for a normal life, having no desire to be a hero nor a villain. No character wishes to kill or marry a God, these characters live a normal life and don’t die horribly more than characters usually do, there are none who swear themselves to slightly stuffy and zealot concepts of Purity, nor have they caused the ascension of Death in Her war against Life, due to any sort of misguided vendetta against the Risen Lands. Nor any attempt to usurper the Throne of the Lich Queen, and lastly but really, really most important of all the Demon Queen does not like Cookies. Nor, it is important to add is milk on the agenda.
Amber Rules, modified a little with additional flavour text, 3-6 players, character creation rules to follow (as previous for returners, reincarnates and summons alike)
- Guy A
- Kieth PM
- Simone PM
- Stephen Q
Wednesday – Slot 2 (Morning)
(10am – 5pm)
Game 2/1: Amber Mouseguard: The Moon its Mother
GM: Natalie A
Cast: 4-6
System: Amber Mouseguard
Genre: Mystical, Investigation, Mouseguard
Winter has passed and Spring has come. The guard are departing Guard Keep to open the roads and keep the peace and the last of the Guard Council who’d been abroad during Winter are returning. There will be an election for Guard Leader within days; traditionally on the last day of the first full moon of spring; and you’ve been ordered to stay at the pleasure of the Council in case anything arises during their deliberations.
However as this moon grew bigger and bigger it became clear that it was in fact growing more than had been observed before. Some of the older mice regaled everyone with stories of a “supermoon” in the past where magic was more powerful, but no-one alive remembers this. A group of loremice consulted with an Icon of the Giant Fiona, but it was opaque and mysterious about the moon; merely suggesting that there might be things of interest happening in the floating castle which is only there during the full moon.
Characters will be generated at the con, or could be returning characters. This game takes place at the same time as “Between Conscience and the Bleak Horizon”, so whilst the same player can be in both they will need to have different mice.
- Guy A
- Kevin D
- Mel M
- Natalie A (GM)
- Shadow A
Game 2/1: What the King doesn’t know…
GM: Simone PM
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPish
Genre: Investigation
It’s been a challenge being one of Random’s most trusted agents, but you’ve acquitted yourself well, in Amber and further afield. However, there are some things which the King would rather not know about, and that’s where Caine steps in. It seems he has an off-the-books mission that he thinks you’d be ideal for.
You are Random’s trusted agents. Whether you got here on your own merits, or because someone else engineered it, you have apparently proven your loyalty to the Crown and are now well-placed to capitalise on the situation.
Characters could be career military, explorers, sneaky bastards or other interested parties. Some minor powers and abilities available. Character creation details will be sent out later.
This game follows on from last year’s game, but new and existing characters are welcome.
This game uses the same general background and character creation as my Hostile Territory game, and existing characters from that game can be played in this one.
- Angus B
- George K
- Judith S
- Keith PM
- Matthew B
- Simone PM (GM)
- Stephen Q
Wednesday – Slot 3 (Evening)
(7pm – Late)
Game 3/1: Strike the Earth!
GM: Shadow A
Cast: System says 2-5 plus 1 GM, but can probably manage a 6th player
System: Mountain Home (a Forged in the Dark ttrpg) – with dice
Genre: Hopeful 3X (explore, expand, exploit), with themes of leaving home and growth
Everything is claimed. Everything is worked. Everything is mapped, planned, known. What’s a dwarf to do if they want something more? Something new? Somewhere to call their own…
Your current dwarfhold is old, strong, and prosperous. Some people would instead say it’s boring, staid, rigid and restrictive.
A group of dwarves have decided that enough is enough and it’s time to leave. Whether you’re tired of waiting for your grandfather’s father to retire so everyone can move up one slot and you can finally stop being the youngest apprentice in the forge, you want to be something other than an axedwarf like every single other member of your family, or you just have an itch to see something that hasn’t been seen a hundred times before, you have decided to join them in their quest to find and found a new home.
Characters will be dwarves! Character generation is based on picking one of seven playbooks (templates) and customising it. Full details will be provided in Discord!
- Becca D
- Guy A
- Keith PM
- Matthew B
- Natalie A
- Shadow A (GM)
- Stephen Q
Game 3/2: The Powers of the Universe – Logrus (The Land of Cymnea)
GM: Keith M
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
Genre: –
In the Beginning there was the Logrus. The Logrus twisted its form and then there was Trump. A disciple undertook something impossible and then there existed Pattern. Another repeated the same and there existed another Pattern. There was discord between the disciples of one Pattern and the other and the Logrus was content. For a time. The contentment did not last. There was war. Another Pattern was formed. The Logrus lost the war. The third Pattern woke the second Pattern with its formation. Disciples of the Patterns began moving around between the Patterns and lines of communication formed. Items of Power were found anew. The balance was shifting in the Universe and the Logrus was not happy.
In the Beginning there was the Abyss. Then there was the Serpent and the Unicorn. The Unicorn revealed another path to its disciple and the Serpent and the Unicorn went their different ways. Two more paths were found. The Serpent and the Unicorn were at odds. The Serpent lost and retreated to form new plans.
With the recovery of Osric and Finndo and Osric’s Pattern Blade Cymnean Space has become stronger. There is rumblings from Chaos that there may be a second Patternfall War. King Merlin has disappeared for far longer than is usual. Factions are changing in the Courts.
Players can play in either or both games but must play the same character.
Your character will come from Cymnean Space, Amber or Chaos or some area in Shadow with Power (some sort of major Power to be purchased).
Describe your character and a little background. Detail any important items as to what they look like and what they can do. What are the FOUR things that your hero is known for being exceptional at. Dagger fighting, Luck, Prodigious Strength, Fireballs, Flight, Sarcasm, Always finding a great beer, Crossword solver, etc. Whatever it is you are the best at it.
In addition you have 210 points to spend. You MUST buy a major power, be it Pattern, Logrus or Trump (or major Power). All powers from the basic rule book are available. You may detail your own personal Shadow for free as well as any allies unless you are bringing them with you.
The campaign is set somewhere around or past the Merlin series of books. Merlin is on the throne of Chaos and Random is on the throne of Amber. Other details may differ. Please get in touch if you are confused by any of the above information or if you just want to talk characters. The more I know beforehand the better the character fit in and you might even know some of the other characters.
- Anna J
- Keith M (GM)
- Kevin D
- Mel M
- Scott S
- Simone PM
- Vivek D
Game 3/3: Where no Amberite has gone before
GM: George K
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
Genre: Negotiations and Investigation
Some time after end of Merlin saga, where universe is at relative peace, First Contact was established with strange shadow where supposedly no power could work. It happened when portal appeared in technological shadow, then another and messages were exchanged requesting sending representatives for trade talks. After sending some people making sure transfer both way is possible and everyone can come back safely, sample of products were received. The most, possibly only, intriguing items were dark crystals, that could be source of power in places technology should not work – tested in Avalon and Rebma for instance. Major powers, being King Random and King Merlin, decided to send in younger generation to get some results. That is you. Describe what group or organization you representing and where and how you want to use those crystals.
Characters based on 100 points with either free Pattern or free Shape Shifting. It was checked that Pattern, Logrus, Trumps and any Magic does not work in destination – same as most artefacts or creature’s artefact abilities. (2 points artefacts with no power qualities should work). Shape Shifting was not fully tried but at least some advanced elements are not possible which is very worrying. Another problem is that constructs like Spikards or Ghostwheel cannot get inside. Basically, it looks like trap, but that is the reason they sending you there, right?
- Alan W
- Alastair J
- George K (GM)
- Marieke K
- Pete M
Thursday – Slot 4 (Morning)
(10am – 5pm)
Game 4/1: Who Killed Random?
GM: Matthew B
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
Genre: Murder Mystery
“You all arrived for the one hundredth anniversary of Random’s ascension to ruler of Amber. Its a quiet affair, the surviving family and a few old friends, perhaps a few children, and Queen Vialle. The first couple of days was catchups, conversation, old tales, some music, food and drinks, and Random catching up with all of you for a one on one. Day three is the last family day and Random and the heavily pregnant Vialle have not come to breakfast. A shaking herald arrives and announces that Random is dead.
There is a brief flurry of activity which is broken by a heavy hand hitting the table and Gerard speaks.
“Brothers and Sisters we have to solve this today and we cannot be trusted to be impartial. The official ceremony is tomorrow at noon. Let us stay out of this investigation and available and let the other guests here, his friends and our children resolve this. None of us should leave and we meet here tomorrow at ten am.”
There is some confused chatter but the family rapidly agree with their brother.
Characters should be given with a name, where in Randoms life they are from, a brief description of their flaws and virtues, and why they wanted to kill Random and how they would have done it. I will be doing character generation, weaker characters such as rangers, musicians, and staff, will be given bonuses in play to counter the more powerful characters such as members of the Amber family. You may not play a brother or sister of Random, nor Oberon, nor Dworkin. [To continue the canon from the last game the current Elders alive are: Benedict, Bleys, Caine, Corwin (rules in his own realm), Fiona, Florimel, Gerard, Llewella. Martin also exists (heir to the throne of Rebma, vocally does not want Ambers throne) as does Merlin (not at the celebration, rules in Amber)] Although this is a continuation of the theme and the setting it is not a continuation game, returning characters will still have to want to kill random and describe how they would have done it.
- Alan W
- Angus B
- Anna J
- Judith S
- Kevin D
- Matthew B (GM)
Game 4/2: Burning Coal
GM: Vivek D
Cast: 4-6
System: Cinematic Diceless, explained in game summary
Genre: Adventure
It is the turn of the 19th century: The great imperial powers vie for dominance, fuelled by coal and steered by the industrial combines and their brass-and-steel difference engines:
But not all their conflicts are played out in the open, by displays of military might or commercial conflicts – there are other, more shadowy arenas where the Great Game is also played.
At the heart of the British Empire we find The Ministry (it has a name, officially, on paper – but never speak it. It is always just The Ministry).
Home to the freak, the monster, the superhuman, the undead, the spy, the assassin and the mad scientist* and those simply… less trammeled by ordinary moral considerations.
This means you.
The Society of Hypercognisant Artisans and Master Engineers prefers “Enlightened Engineer” over the vulgar and somewhat pejorative “Mad Scientist”.
Players should pick an archetype or template to build their character on – Mad Scientist*, Monster, Super-spy, Werewolf, Golem, Demon-ridden Sorceress – feel free to plunder any and all of Pulp, Sci-Fi, Fantasy for an idea (or even come up with your own).
That’s who your character is. In addition there should be a reason the ministry would want to employ you some extraordinary ability, power or skill-set.
A reason you work for the ministry:
They might have stayed your execution for a crime (real or framed)
Maybe they pay you vast sums of money.
Perhaps they are the only source of a drug you need.
Possibly you’re just the right mix of patriotic and amoral that you want to.
One superhumanly strong stat or trait, eg:
Strong / Agile / Dextrous / Strong-willed / Perceptive / etc
0 or more additional strengths, each balanced by a weakness, eg:
Weak / Aged / Clumsy / Weak-willed / Vulnerable to iron / Berserk / etc
To be clear – your first strength is free. Only additional ones must be paid for.
- Becca D
- Jules D
- Sandy M
- Scott S
- Stephen Q
- Vivek D (GM)
Game 4/3: Pax Britannica (One-Off Game)
GM: Alastair J
Cast: 4-6
System: ?
Genre: ?
“Time is the wisest counsellor of all.” – Pericles
Someone has been a very naughty person, pinching things that don’t belong to them and then selling them to the highest bidder. But it’s not just a simple trinket that has gone missing this time. Oh no. This time it’s something that could bring chaos to order. Bring about mayhem and mischief. It could even bring about the end of the Empire and Lord M is not happy about that at all!
This is a one off game so is separate to the various Pax Britiannica campaigns and so is open to new players and new characters.
It is the summer of 1872 and Britain is riding high with its technology and industry delivering advances in military prowess as well as for the economy. The power of steam, advances in clockwork and creation of difference engines have delivered not just economic changes but also social and environmental ones too, even resulting in flight. But there is no room for complacency though as other countries and empires seek opportunities to advance their various causes usually at the cost of others.
For various reasons which are unique to each character, you are working for the Government, in particular Viscount Lord Melbourne (nephew of the Queen’s first PM). You have been chosen because of your exceptional if not unique abilities and prowess which Lord M, as he is affectionately referred to, puts to use when awkward complications arise.
Character creation details will be circulated in due course.
- Alastair J (GM)
- Keith M
- Keith PM
- Marieke K
- Mel M
- Simone PM
Game 4/4: Operation One of our Merlins is Missing
GM: Natalie A
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG with inspiration from Paranoia
Genre: Not as Light Hearted as expected, Problem Solving
Following a catastrophic reality excursion the cosmos found itself short one Prince of Amber and Chaos, however Nature is healing and very quickly Castle Amber found itself home to now fewer than six Princes Merlin.
However none of these Merlins were, it seemed, the original; lost in the Abyss on the edge of Chaos his doppelgangers concluded that he needs to be rescued…
Returning Characters will get advancement.
New Characters: create a Merlin with between 100 and 400 points; canon compatible (but remember Merlin lies); and let me know the last thing you remember (down to the exact word in the books if you want). You won’t lose out if you spend fewer points. Unlike in the first game your last memory has to be outside of Castle Amber.
- George K
- Guy A
- Natalie A (GM)
- Pete M
- Shadow A
Thursday – Slot 5 (Evening)
(7pm – Late)
Game 5/1: A Fiasco In Amber
GM: Fiona W
Cast: 2-4 + GM
System: Fiasco
Genre: Fiasco
Fiasco is inspired by cinematic tales of small-time capers gone disastrously wrong. You’ll play Amberites (probably) with powerful ambition and poor impulse control. There will be big dreams and flawed execution. It won’t go well for them and, in the end, it will probably collapse into a glorious heap of jealousy, murder and recrimination. Lives and reputations shall be lost, painful wisdom shall be gained and, if you’re really lucky, someone else might end up with the crown upon their head.
This is a game of Fiasco, using an Amber themed playset that I have created. Fiasco is a collaborative storytelling improv game where we figure out who are characters are and what the story is as we play. The only thing we know is that it’s going to be a complete and total fiasco!
No character creation or preparation is needed beforehand, but it might be useful to have a look at how Fiasco is played if you haven’t played before.
Gameplay Example:
Creating Characters:
Act 1:
Act 2:
- Richard M
- Fiona W
- Mel M
- Rachel W
- Shadow A
Game 5/2: The Kruger Institute
GM: Esther vR
Cast: 5-6
System: Nothing
Genre: Completely depends on the players
Note: A Re-Run
The Krüger Institute is looking for PhD students, post docs, bio technicians and financial or HR managers for the BIRB project.
A 3-year project on Balanced and Ideal methods for Reproductivity and Biodiversity (the BIRB project) within the Biology & Genetics Department at the Krüger Institute, Düsseldorf, Germany, is looking for several motivated participants. The department is led by Simon Erben, co-discoverer Xz-Hegdehog, the first gene to be implicated in a adaptive brain disorder. The Institute adopts the latest innovations in molecular methods to discover how the genome helps a species to adapt to environmental changes, identifying genes that are important for development of structural adaptive capacity, behavioural modifications , and using those genes as a base to strengthen existing (endangered) species, as well as investigating evolutionary foundations. This involves interdisciplinary research at multiple levels, from determining molecular interactions and functional roles in embryonic cell models to assessing effects on structure and activity. We work together with leading researchers at the Mendell Institute for Evolution, Extinction and Adaptation and the University Medical Center in Berlin, and with extensive networks of expert collaborators around the world.
Job descriptions:
Through whole genome DNA sequencing, we have identified rare gene disruptions that cause morphological and structural impairments in several DNA samples of endangered or in species that are extinct. The successful candidates will lead specific projects within an ongoing research programme that investigates the bio evolutionary consequences of such gene disruptions (in Xz-Hedgehog, HIF1a, HIF2 among other genes). This programme adopts the latest cell-culture techniques (stem-cell derived 2D and 3D models), CRISPR/Cas-based gene editing, single-cell RNA sequencing, and other state-of-the-art methods. The work is carried out in a custom-built molecular biology laboratory at the Krüger Institute, which has its own cell-culture facilities, an advanced microfluidics system for high-throughput single-cell analyses, and dedicated histology and microscopy suites, including a confocal microscope with live cell-imaging capabilities. These resources are complemented by bioinformatic experts within the department, excellent in-house infrastructure for data analysis supported by a central technical group.
As HR manager you are responsible for the well-being of our personnel within the BIRB project.
As financial manager you are responsible for the money flow within the project.
You were an applicant to this job offer and with success. You have been working there now for 6 months. I will need a description of your function and your background. Additionally I will ask you questions. Before the game I will introduce you to each other on Discord, since you are co-workers and you know one another.
- Urwin vL
- Esther S
- Keith PM
- Sandy M
Game 5/3: Stargate SG-13 and the Dial of Destiny
GM: Anna J
Cast: 4-6
System: None
Genre: Stargate
Okay so you may be the butt of a few jokes at the SGC (Stargate Command) for having the unluckiest call sign, but you’re part of a skilled Stargate team with a number of successful off-world missions under your belt. Sure you don’t get the same high-profile assignments as SG-1 but while they’re off getting most of the glory, the rest of the SG teams like yours are quietly getting on with the job, keeping the Earth a safer place.
It’s been a comparatively quiet time at the SGC. The most exciting thing to happen in weeks was an argument you overheard yesterday between General Landry and Colonel Telford. You didn’t catch much but it seemed pretty heated. You were due to head out today to P4Y-957 but at the last minute you’re told there’s a change of plans and you’re going to P9Z-998 instead, on the outer rim of the galaxy. You’re ordered to look for any sign of technology or a power source, but no more information is forthcoming. With that the gate address is dialled and off you go.
Background should include education, how you came to be in SGC (e.g. through the armed forces, NASA or because of a relevant academic background) and why you suspect you were passed over for a spot on SG-1.
- Alan W
- Anna J (GM)
- Becca D
- Matthew B
- Natalie A
- Stephen Q
- Vivek D
Game 5/4: The Helgram Game
GM: Trish H
Cast: 4-6
System: Homebrew
The Helgram Game is a mission-style team-based game set in primarily in the Black Zone, based out of the Helgram Zócalo, the major area of “civilisation” in its particular region of the Black Zone. The Zócalo is a base and port of call for traders, refugees, businessmen, diplomats and travellers from a hundred Shadows. Pretty much anything you might care to buy is available in the Zócalo somewhere, and it’s often wisest not to ask where it came from.
Characters are Members in Good Standing of House Helgram, on their first assignment for the House, The PCs work for Duke Jowan, the Helgram Representative in the Black Zone, based in the Zócalo. They may occasionally be asked to undertake tasks back in the House proper, or the Courts, but the focus of the game is the Black Zone. This is a team-centred game, not one for lone wolves.
The first series happened as written, ending with the War Between the Powers. In the years that immediately followed, Amber occupied the Courts until a peace could be brokered between them. This was achieved about three years later, and was made possible because, much to everyone’s surprise, King Swayvill and King Random get along.
Characters will have been born either in the last days of the Bleys as Grand Duke or since Ian Cushing-Helgram became Grand Duke. They will be no older than 40, and probably somewhat younger than that. Characters are built on 65pt with the basics of shape shift (inherent crisis management plus the basic four forms), or 75pt without, and need to be created before the con. All stats start at Chaos. Full character creation rules can be found here:
Preference will be given to returning characters from any iteration of the Helgram Game.
- Tim H
- Trish H (GM)
- Guy A
- Pete M
- Alastair J
- Simone PM
Game 5/5: The Powers of the Universe – Trump (The Land of Cymnea)
GM: Keith M
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
In the Beginning there was the Logrus. The Logrus twisted its form and then there was Trump. A disciple undertook something impossible and then there existed Pattern. Another repeated the same and there existed another Pattern. There was discord between the disciples of one Pattern and the other and the Logrus was content. For a time. The contentment did not last. There was war. Another Pattern was formed. The Logrus lost the war. The third Pattern woke the second Pattern with its formation. Disciples of the Patterns began moving around between the Patterns and lines of communication formed. Items of Power were found anew. The balance was shifting in the Universe and the Logrus was not happy.
In the Beginning there was the Abyss. Then there was the Serpent and the Unicorn. The Unicorn revealed another path to its disciple and the Serpent and the Unicorn went their different ways. Two more paths were found. The Serpent and the Unicorn were at odds. The Serpent lost and retreated to form new plans.
The Keep of the Four Worlds has vanished…
Players can play in either or both games but must play the same character.
Your character will come from Cymnean Space, Amber or Chaos or some area in Shadow with Power (some sort of major Power to be purchased).
Describe your character and a little background. Detail any important items as to what they look like and what they can do. What are the FOUR things that your hero is known for being exceptional at. Dagger fighting, Luck, Prodigious Strength, Fireballs, Flight, Sarcasm, Always finding a great beer, Crossword solver, etc. Whatever it is you are the best at it.
In addition you have 210 points to spend. You MUST buy a major power, be it Pattern, Logrus or Trump (or major Power). All powers from the basic rule book are available. You may detail your own personal Shadow for free as well as any allies unless you are bringing them with you.
The campaign is set somewhere around or past the Merlin series of books. Merlin is on the throne of Chaos and Random is on the throne of Amber. Other details may differ. Please get in touch if you are confused by any of the above information or if you just want to talk characters. The more I know beforehand the better the character fit in and you might even know some of the other characters.
- Judith S
- Keith M (GM)
- Kevin D
- Marieke K
- Scott S
- Simone PM
Friday – Slot 6 (Morning)
(10am – 5pm)
Game 6/1: I Will Survive
GM: Alan W
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
“Watch while the queen in one false move Turns herself into a pawn Sleepy and shaken And watching while the blurry night Turns into a very clear dawn” [Suzanne Vega] The Dark Knight is entombed as the last act of his vengeful queens. Dybelle’s heir, blessed of the Unicorn, is missing. You are the last champions of what was the Tripartite Alliance; the future depends on you.
This is a direct continuation of the events of “Shout Out to my Ex”
75pt characters, new or returning players welcome. Partial powers available, details from the GM.
- Alan W (GM)
- Alastair J
- Guy A
- Keith PM
- Kevin D
- Marieke K
- Paul J
Game 6/2: A Town Called Amber – Arrival
GM: Matthew B
Cast: 3-6
System: ADRPG TownCalledAmber
Genre: Mystery/Investigation
A voice in the darkness called to you, both familiar and foreign. A voice, female, or male, you don’t know but familiar.
“I call out to the other worlds I have seen, I call to you to help. My children are failing and I offer you the key to many Ambers if you help this one.”
Something like a trump connection, or a logrus link, or a pattern conduit reaches for you but hovers away offering you the choice, the chance of consent. You reach for it and then feel yourself drawn through, unmade, and reassembled.
“Thank you, please save my children.”
The hunched bedraggled old woman in front of you collapses and you and your new companions arrive in a dark and musty cave overlooking a rocky plain. In the distance, past some farms, you can see a town.
200 pt Amberite, basic pattern free. All creatures (if any) items (if any) and powers will be thematically altered and limited. You MAY be informed on the day how your powers have changed. Shadows should not be bought and you are advised that companions, creatures, and items will not be as you spec’d them.
- Claire M
- George K
- Jules D
- Matthew B (GM)
- Natalie A
- Richard M
- Shadow A
Game 6/3: Where Angels Fear
GM: Pete M
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRP with some homebrew
Genre: Cinematic WWII, err, Adventure?
Wanted: Volunteers for immediate overseas assignment. Knowledge of German to native speaker level required. History of successful operation either behind enemy lines, or in Occupied Europe preferred. Other skills preferred, expert small arms skill, unarmed combat, demolition, intrusion skills (to include moving stealthily and locksmithing skills) plus any other appropriate skills. Likelihood of an extremely hazardous mission guaranteed.
Opening Scene: A snow covered mountain range, somewhere, lit by the light of an almost full moon. The view roams over this landscape soaring over mountains and dropping into valleys. It swoops now to climb over a high rocky ridge-line when a three engined aircraft flashes overhead. Our focus now follows it. This aircraft keeps below the surrounding mountain tops and ducks into gorges giving the impression of not wanting to be seen. The aircraft is mostly gray with long dark green streaks randomly applied. The only distinguishing feature is the large black cross painted on the side of the fuselage. Roll credits.
It is January 16th 1942, and information has reached the Allies that a meeting is about to occur that will enable radical improvements to the logistical structure of the Wehrmacht. (Only the Japanese had a worse logistical set up in WW2, even the Soviets were more efficient.) So any operation that continues their current level of incompetence is very popular with the High Command.
Pregen Chars so select from
1) The Major, guy in command, good at all the non-specialised stuff, with some spy skills.
2) The Lieutenant (“that’s Loo-tenant, can you people actually speak English?”) the general combat specialist, also the medic.
3) The Honourable, Demo guy, Aristocrat, chemist, ranker
4) The Lady, social infiltrator, with more tricks up her sleeves than, well, she’s just got very big sleeves
5) The Lieutenant (“that’s Lef-tenant old boy”) If it has an engine and a control system he’ll make it do things that will make your hair stand on end.
6) The Greek One, He can probably repair it, if it’s mechanical or electrical, also has scouting & sneaking skills.
All Chars are human and aged somewhere in the range 25-40.
Stats are the usual 4 plus Presence (used in social situations)
- Keith M
- Pete M (GM)
- Sally P
- Sandy M
- Stephen Q
Game 6/4: Once a companion…
GM: Anna J
Cast: 4-6
System: Not really
Genre: Dr Who
It’s been hard fitting back into the world and lonely – after all it’s not the same now that you know that time travel is real, that other worlds and aliens exist, that the universe is vast and dangerous and cold.
When you first spotted the poster for the support group, you thought you were seeing things – “Friends of the Doctor. For former companions to share their stories about their time travelling in the blue box and provide mutual support.” – but curiosity got the better of you and you went along only to find you were not as alone as you had thought.
It was some weeks after that you received the invitation. The embossed UNIT logo was the only indication of who it was from and it requested your secrecy and your presence at an urgent meeting in London.
You are former companions of the Doctor (TV series, BFA, NA and EDA all permitted). First come first served on characters – returning players welcome. Please tell me how long it’s been and what you’ve been up to since you parted ways with the Doctor.
- Anna J (GM)
- Becca D
- Mel M
- Simone PM
- Tim H
- Trish H
- Vivek D
Game 6/5: Politics and Pageantry
GM: Edith B
Cast: 4-6
System: Rules light system defined by PC characteristics
Genre: Period costume drama meets Sci fi?
Sophie Kerr
The Might and Magnificence of Lady Dybele’s Intergalactic Empire was unmatched … until it encountered an interdimensional visitor that opened a hitherto undreamt of beyond.
Oberon’s Amber stood as the unquestioned centre of reality. Until an upstart Empress of Shadow had the temerity to question it.
Those used to absolute dominion can struggle with their own ilk.
War has raged on and off for long enough to have grown wearisome. Long enough for both sides to be ready to consider alternatives.
So a summit has been arranged, on carefully chosen ground. There will be splendour. There will be spectacle. Neither side wishes to be outshone by the other.
But it falls to you, loyal courtiers, to smooth the path to peace, soothe your rulers’ egos, and ensure sanity prevails.
This game predates Dybele’s union with Oberon. It will take place on a world in her realm with a sufficiently bucolic environment to not feel too jarring to courtiers visiting from Amber. You are playing a courtier from either Oberon or Dybele’s entourage, seeking to smooth the path to peace and ensure that your side isn’t outdone in splendour and spectacle by the other.
The game is likely to involve themes of war, politics, physical injury and death, though hopefully won’t be as grimdark as all that sounds.
Players will be asked to complete a short character questionnaire in advance of the convention.
- Angus B
- Edith B (GM)
- Fiona W
- Judith S
- Rachel W
- Scott S
- Thom dJ
Friday – Slot 7 (Evening)
(7pm – Late)
Game 7/1: Silver Spires – Writ in Blood
GM: Dave C
Cast: 4-6
System: Amber DRPG’ish
Genre: Expansion and exploration in a new place.
Corwin is dead and you buried him, heading through shadow and the path of his blood to the new place. It is indeed different and you think the rules you knew may no longer entirely apply. There are questions left unanswered and perhaps some will be in the new place bound on land between waters both bitter and sweet.
100pt characters. No Advanced powers, limited artefact purchase and a secondary pool/ auction for “extras and actions”. Details placed on line before game. Open to anyone however those who didn’t play in Ambercon NI run of After Corwin or TirCon Sins of the father need will need to explain their absence from the family gathering/ known existence. Will need to update local geography for players (will be in doc). NB all characters are children of Corwin.
- Dave C (GM)
- Edith B
- Judith S
- Kevin D
- Pete M
- Scott S
- Trish H
Game 7/2: Blandings and the Lonely Lake
GM: Mel M
Cast: 6 + 2 GMs
System: Homebrew – a crossover of Amber and the novels of PG Wodehouse. Notes will be supplied for new players.
Genre: Wodehousian comedy with a side order of excitement (and parrots. Possibly)
Bradstock the parrot is still missing! Whole some of your cousins are off on a mad dash to South America to try to acquire a mate for Bradstock, you are part of the group that have decided to sweep the estate and surrounding district to find Bradstock. And the boy scouts are keen to help!
However, there seems to be one part of the estate where Eric, Earl of Emsworth, is reluctant to let you go …
Please note that as the two Blandings games are set at the same timeline this Con, people will need to select one or the other (or make a new character).
100 point characters. Stats are Eccentricity, Sport, Tenacity and Money – all will be explained. The characters are children of the Blandings version of Amberites (except that Fiona and Flora are Aunts). Mirelle and Random Threepwood are too young to have adult children, so also out. Players will also have a special free skill for this game – it should be something that will be useful to you when hunting Bradstock on a somewhat neglected estate.
Full character notes will be supplied to new players.
- Anna J
- Claire M
- Fiona W
- Keith PM
- Mel M (GM)
- Natalie A
- Richard M
- Shadow A
- Vivek D
Game 7/3: Frat House Freakout
GM: Tym N
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
You are celebrating the end of exams at a student house party when you get a text message from an unknown sender: “If you value your life, leave this party NOW”
Something at the back of your mind makes you take this seriously. Which turns out to be a good thing. Since just as you leave the building, an explosion blows out all the windows.
You look round and see a few other confused students on the lawn, what do you do now?
0 point characters
Characters are normal Shadow dwellers with no knowledge of Shadow or Amber.
NO powers are available except for Power Words (10 point version only).
Characters may have one item containing either 1 or 2 1 point abilities
- Jason P
- Matthew B
- Paul J
- Rachel W
- Sally P
- Thom dJ
- Tym N (GM)
Game 7/4: Aurellis (Mainline)
GM: Tim H
Cast: 4-6
System: Homebrew
Genre: Evolving Series
This slot we will once again be returning to your normal scheduled service with a game based out of the real world (ish) of spring 2012. Or perhaps somewhere else entirely. It is a multiverse after all.
This description is going sound a lot like last years, because not THAT much time has rolled forwards since ACNI 23. It has rolled round to spring 2012 game date now, and it’s difficult to keep track. Random is King of Amber. Everybody knows that, right? Lots of people just helped kick an invading Uberon out of Fiona’s ancient Castle at Điện Biên Phủ.
But, hang on – there’s that recent proclamation, from Benedict, King of Amber, And let’s not forget all that recent fun and games with Queen Jade of Amber.
And should we even mention Thelbane. Obviously, King Mandor and Queen Hera rule. Except what about King Osric? Or King Merlin? Or King Graeme? Or Co-Queen Juno?
Yep. Definitely difficult to keep track, in this long running campaign in the multiverse that goes wrong occasionally. Well worth knowing what is around that blind corner, before you turn.
New characters are created via a quiz, before the con. Returning players welcome, either with an existing character, or a new one.
- Alastair J
- George K
- Keith M
- Marieke K
- Richard C
- Sandy M
- Stephen Q
- Tim H (GM)
Game 7/5: Meanwhile … making adjustments to the balance of power
GM: Simone PM
Cast: 4-6
System: Homebrew
Genre: Investigation
Your cousin Rose has always been fun, reckless and impulsive. Now she seems serious, focused and calculating, and she’s asking for your help.
This scenario exists within the shared world of Meanwhile…
New and returning characters welcome.
It’s 705 years pre-Patternfall. King Oberon is on the throne, and everyone has sworn an Oath to Amber’s Crown.
Secrets exposed in Corwin’s Chronicles are still secrets. Amber is once again at relative peace, and is the centre of Reality.
The desire is to establish a shared world with players who may also GM a session or two as the campaign progresses, focused on some part of their own character’s impact or legacy.
Characters must be set up before game, so you will be contacting Stormy ahead of time. Meanwhile… intends to produce the Corwin Chronicles as written when we get there, some 7 RL years hence. Characters must be less than a millennium old and fit into Roger Zelazny’s style, and with Oberon in power, anyone older than 40 Amber time devotes half their time to doing something for Amber. There is a quiz, and a homebrew system. Once players are identified, they will be provided with character sheets and links to the Google folder and Discord server for Meanwhile…
- Angus B
- Alan W
- Becca D
- Esther S
- Guy A
- Simone PM (GM)
- Urwin vL
Saturday – Slot 8 (Morning)
(10am – 5pm)
Game 8/1: Excuse Me, Are We Related?
GM: Stephen Q
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
Genre: Investigation mainly
Set after the Patternfall war, King Random is concerned that there may be offspring of the royal family out there in shadow. This is not, in itself, a problem but Random’s worry is that one of them could become pattern aware and pose a threat to the pattern(s) or even Amber itself. So somebody needs to go and trek through shadow and find any of these missing family and deal with them appropriately. A task too trivial for any of his brothers or sisters but there several of his nieces and nephews knocking around the castle, getting in the way, eating expensive supplies, and occasionally causing mayhem on their forays into the city. Some of them will do.
Characters are based on 100 points but must take pattern imprint so 50 points to spend, after all you are junior members of the family. Stuff limited to +/- 5. Must be a child of any of the elder Amberites except Random, Corwin, or Brand. It would be nice if your character reflected some aspects of your parentage. The main thing is to create a character that you will enjoy playing.
- Dave C
- George K
- Guy A
- Keith PM
- Stephen Q (GM)
- Tym N
Game 8/2: Quis Librarios custodit?
GM: Jason P
Cast: 4,6 or 8
System: Diceless
Genre: Invisible Library
For some, it will be their first foray into the Fae lands, while for others it will be chance to visit the last remaining Great Library of Alexandria in all the alternate worlds. The two Kingdoms of Egypt await with all its antiquities.
Of course, the leaders of the Invisible Library would have their own reasons to send a team into this land of ancient monuments, almost certainly.
Players can be apprentices or the Librarians responsible for them. In order to play a credible Librarian, you need to have at least read the first book in Invisible Library series by Genevieve Cogman and understand the concept of the Language.
No points or system to worry about, although you need to provide details of your character via a submitted background, answering a few questions. More game notes shall be provided once players have been allocated. Returning and new players welcome.
- Anna J
- Jason P (GM)
- Mel M
- Natalie A
- Simone PM
- Tim H
- Trish H
Game 8/3: Pet Detectives
GM: Sandy M
Cast: 4-6
System: Homebrew
Genre: Pets
The game is called Pet Detectives and the characters are all pets of teenage Amberites attending a Military Academy on Shadow Earth. It follows on from the 2019 scenario The Amber Life of Pets.
It is the wedding of Crown Prince Jonas of Frealand and Lady Rihanna with visiting dignitaries attending from friendly and not so friendly neighbouring states.
The wedding gifts range from the exotic, to the beautiful and to the expensive and have been on display for guests to view.
Unfortunately on the morning of the wedding, it has been discovered that the starburst necklace, a gift from the King of Kahurangi has been stolen and it will cause a major diplomatic incident if it is not worn by the Bride at the evening ball.
The humans are busy with the wedding, so the animal companions have been charged with recovering the missing item and will be rewarded by mountains of cheese and other delicacies.
Players can be either cats, dogs, birds, rodents, reptiles or similar pets and can telepathically speak with their humans and each other. They have a variety of psychic powers, abilities and skills to choose from and are considerably more intelligent and longer lived than standard animals.
It is not a serious game, but please remember that other players are friends, not food!
- Esther S
- Marieke K
- Richard M
- Sandy M (GM)
- Scott S
- Urwin vL
Game 8/4: Top Pair
GM: Shadow A
Cast: 4 or 6 + GM
System: ADRPG
Genre: Reality TV, Silly, Romance
Random is bored. He’s bored of being King, and he’s bored of the sycophantic nobles who lounge around the castle doing nothing useful. Plus, the realm could use a good morale boost. And he thinks he can tackle all of these problems with the same solution. It’s time for “Top Pair”, the new reality TV show. Any inhabitant of the castle who isn’t gainfully employed WILL take their turn appearing on the show for the delight of all Amber, and especially of the King. And he can probably arrange for some kind of prize for the winners to sweeten the pot.
The game will consist of Speed Dating rounds (where the characters interact one on one, with optional pre-prepared topics to guide the conversation) and Challenge rounds, where there will be a challenge that must be done or achieved either with a partner or by the group as a whole.
Characters should be 50 point inhabitants of Castle Amber. It’s expected most of them will be young feckless nobles, but anyone who is in the wrong place at the wrong time and can’t persuade the recruiters out of picking them up could be swept up in Random’s net.
Characters should, however, not be related to the Royal family, and should have no really useful professions, skills or abilities, obvious career or gainful employment. They should also be at least resigned to appearing on the show.
No Pattern or Logrus, powers generally won’t be as useful as stats, and if you can’t work out how you might make use of it on the set of a reality TV show, you probably don’t want to spend points on it.
The game won’t include any explicit content, but given the reality dating show setting, innuendo, suggestive language and adult themes may all feature. Note that none of the characters are required to interact physically, get together or stay together; merely to embarrass themselves on TV for Random’s amusement.
- Angus B
- Edith B
- Fiona W
- Matthew B
- Shadow A
Game 8/5: Cocaine Werebear
GM: Richard C
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
Genre: Amber Kids / Comedy horror
Since the passing of Oberon, at the end of the Patternfall War, a whole batch of new grandchildren has been crawling out of the woodwork…. King Random is determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past. No, he’s going to make a whole set of new ones.
So, his nephews and nieces are being raised in the Court of Amber, together, so they have an opportunity to bond with each other, as they’re growing up. Enough of them are of an age, now, that it’s been judged they’re old enough to go on a proper camping trip together, deep in the forest of Arden, to start learning some wilderness skills, under the care of Uncle Julian. Uncle Julian is as thrilled about this as they are.
Now, in the deep forests of Arden, there are rumoured to be….things. Ancient, dangerous things. But, as long as Uncle Julian’s there, they’ll be safe, pretty much. I mean, it’s not like he’d just leave them there, to fend for themselves, right?
Characters will be the adolescent children of Random’s brothers and sisters (please choose preferred Amber parentage, I may reallocate if everyone chooses Bleys, say), aged between 11 and 15. Based on 50 points spend, max +5/-5 Stuff, no Pattern, no full powers, no items more than 4 points spend. Partial powers may be available, talk to the GM about what you want to be able to do and how much it will cost.
Obviously, these characters are kids – they’ll really only have one or two significant skills. Figure out what they are, together with a basic idea of personality. Kids can be jocks, nerds, goths, emo, rebels, or any other archetype, pick one and tailor from there. They’ve been raised in a sort-of-Renaissance environment, but in a post-modern ironic kind of way, so reflect on that. Some of them, I’m sure, will love the Great Outdoors. Others….might not.
The kids will all know each other, because they’ve largely been raised in Amber together. Obviously, that doesn’t mean that they’ll all like each other.
- Alastair J
- Claire M
- Jules D
- Pete M
- Richard C (GM)
- Thom dJ
Game 8/6: What We Do in the Shadows
GM: Rachel W
Cast: 3-6
System: Diceless
Genre: Vampire
After the Black Road was removed, a contingent of Chaosian demons who survived the Battle of Kolvir became trapped in Amber. Most were summarily hunted down and executed by vengeful locals. However, a small number discovered a way to hide their demon form, allowing them to quietly integrate into Amber society. By drinking the blood of people from the city, they gain the ability to maintain the shape of a normal human person. Minor side effects include an extreme sensitivity to sunlight, garlic, and religious symbols.
The remaining demons have split into rival factions, all vying to become the rulers of the Amber City underworld. Life is further complicated by the ever-present threat of resident demon hunters, particularly those pesky Royals.
Characters will make up a faction of Chaosian demons living together in a house in Amber city.
- Alan W
- Becca D
- Kevin D
- Paul J
- Rachel W (GM)
- Sally P
- Vivek D
Saturday – Slot 9 (Evening)
(7pm – Late)
Game 9/1: Deadlier than the …
GM: Pete M
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG & some homebrew
Genre: Cinematic Investigation
C C Comms PLC is the major comms company across most of the industrial world, they own Phone Companies, Satellite networks, Chip Manufacturers and lots of others. The sole owner, a business magnate called Calum Coyle has in some way harmed each of you, either through medical experimentation you escaped but discovered your family dead, had a contract put out on you which you survived just bearly, framed you for a crime you didn’t commit as opposed to the actual crime you did, forced you and your entire department into retirement, or killed various family members. You will come together for justice and revenge or tie dyeing, sorry meant die trying.
How will you get your revenge? Will you work out how hurt him the most. Can you work out how he got to be the dominant businessman on the planet? Why do most people think he is some sort of secular saint?
Characters are pregens chose from:
1) The Experimented
2) The Amnesiac
3) The Criminal
4) The Retired
5) The Up & Coming Assassin
6) The Operative
Chars are pre-gens, mostly human, age 20 to 60. Stats are the usual plus Presence.
- George K
- Pete M (GM)
- Sally P
- Stephen Q
- Thom dJ
- Urwin vL
Game 9/2: Carnival of Chaos
GM: Matthew B
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG Telenovela
Genre: Telenovela
You wake up in an unfamiliar room that looks a bit like your own from Amber, but more airy and softly decorated. There is a call from the hall… Is that Flora? Is she laughing and talking to Random. You stand up, what the hell is going on? As you head out of your room you see familiar faces also looking puzzled as they stare down across a balcony at Flora and Random. They are chatting and lying on the rim of the fountain in the courtyard, a bottle of champagne between there heads cooling in the fountain. The sky is a clear blue, this is not Amber any more.
Characters are generated at 100 points, free pattern, stuff will be ranked like attributes are (so human luck is -25pts, chaos luck -10pts, and amber stuff is 0+). No items or creatures. Sorcery and Conjuration will be allowed and you can hang spells in mundane items (the better the quality the longer the hanging lasts). Spells anybody starts with have to be approved by the GM, spells not pre-approved will work somewhat weirdly. Maximum of six starting spells.
All character must be children of Elder Amberites (and no Oberon and Dworkins kids). You will know who your parents are, and you have a room in amber castle.
If you are a returning character you are expected to be nice to the newcomers but you get no special perks (apart from your pattern is now locally attuned (which could be seen as a disadvantage), and if you didn’t have it you have it now, if you did, spend those extra points).
- Fiona W
- Judith S
- Matthew B (GM)
- Paul J
- Rachel W
- Richard C
- Vivek D
Game 9/3: Extra Londinium – Guerrilla Advertising
GM: Dave C
Cast: 4-6
System: Homebrew
Genre: Folly’esque – investigation in mythic London
Overnight a rash of pamphlets have appeared across London, promising riches beyond imagining for stout hearted fellows and ladies of substance willing to act for King and Country. Then there was the robbery in broad daylight at Grenville and Sons, purveyors of silver and fine art.
That was odd to say the least, witnesses report the robbers speaking in a strange version of English, “…you know like them toffs an’ Shakespeare.” Whilst demanding all silver, movables and chattels. The Met are rolling their collective eyes and blaming Gen Alpha linguistic choices and promise to release footage once their investigations reach a less sensitive phase.
Character build doc placed on line in channel and can be asked for by email/ message on Discord. Players need to build a couple of hooks into their characters otherwise they may get left behind (details in build doc).
- Angus B
- Becca D
- Dave C (GM)
- Kevin D
- Mel M
- Scott S
- Tym N
Game 9/4: Sable
GM: Trish H
Cast: 4-6
System: Modified ADRPG
System: Fantasy, mission, investigative
The Sable Game is a mission-style game set in the Kingdom of Sable and its associated Shadows. Characters are the trusted agents of the King of Sable and/or the Regent of Murray, rather than being of the Royal Family. They are the gifted residents of the Kingdom or its associated worlds, who the Family have to look after the day-to-day running of the Kingdom.
In their “day jobs”, they may be working directly for the Kingdom of Sable, such as diplomats and government officials, intelligence agents, couriers or soldiers; or they may be individuals with useful skills who may occasionally be asked to serve, such as journalists, mages, policemen, or other individuals with a useful talent. These people are then called together on occasion to perform a specific mission for the Crown. This is a team-centred game, not one for lone wolves.
The game is set in a Pattern-based world, but the world and NPCs are specific to the Sable Game. Sable itself is somewhat British, 1940s but with magical-based technology and industry, although its associated Shadows vary. For an idea of the feel of the game, Randall Garrett’s Lord Darcy world is a pretty good analogue. For more information, take a look at the “New Players Start Here” section of the game website at:
Character generation is based on 85pt with all stats starting at Chaos stats, and limited powers available to players. Character creation needs to be done before the con. Partial buy-ups and sell-downs between Chaos and Amber, or Chaos and Human are available. Character creation rules can be found here:
Preference will be given to returning characters from any iteration of the Sable Game.
- Alastair J
- Keith M
- Marieke K
- Sandy M
- Tim H
- Trish H (GM)
Game 9/5: The Invisible Library: The Mystery of Creation
GM: Anna J
Cast: 4-8, priority to returning players
System: None
Genre: Invisible Library
Following the events of the Silk Slipper and the restoration of most of the universe (apart from the denizens of Old New York) there have been some turbulent times in the world and in the Library. With so many of the senior dragons and Fae gone overnight there have been power struggles and intrigues among the Fae and more subtle manoeuvrings among the dragons. The Library too has had a change of leadership and there have been quiet mutterings among the librarians about a mysterious new door that wasn’t there before. As no-one seems to quite know where it is, most have dismissed it as rumour. However, the idea that all might not be as it was is more plausible that you would care to admit…
Speak to me before the con.
- Alan W
- Anna J (GM)
- Edith B
- Guy A
- Jason P
- Natalie A
- Richard M
- Shadow A
- Simone PM
Sunday – Slot 10 (Morning)
(10am – 5pm)
Game 10/1: Fairly odd
GM: Esther S
Cast: 5-6
System: Nothing
Genre: Mystery or whatever the players make of it
It is a beautiful warm summer day in the Netherlands, which is rare. You are in this amazing theme park full of exciting rollercoasters, enchanting attractions, a fairy tale forest or spectacular parkshows called the Efteling. It is a unique park in the middle of nature.
There is laughter all around, cheerful music and an abundance of sweet smells.
You can either be a tourist, visiting for a day, or even staying in the hotel or in a vacation home or you can play an employee, actor, vlogger.., whatever you may like. You just happen to be in this theme park at this particular day.
For more information you can visit;
I will need you to send me the following details of your character:
Name and reason to be in the park. A bit of background and a picture would be nice as well.
Please get the info to me asap so I can build the story around it.
- Alan W
- Becca D
- Esther S (GM)
- Fiona W
- Kevin D
- Pete M
- Urwin vL
Game 10/2: Blandings and the Lost City
GM: Mel M
Cast: 6 + 2 GMs
System: Homebrew – a crossover of Amber and the novels of PG
Genre: Wodehousian comedy with a side order of excitement (and parrots. Possibly)
Bradstock the parrot is still missing! Some bright spark has made the suggestion that the best way to lure Bradstock home might be to find him a mate. Unfortunately, the only place to obtain a female parrot of Bradstock’s breed is to travel to the furthest reaches of the mighty Amazon river … a place of mystery and danger … and rumoured lost cities, temples and palaces.
Please note that as the two Blandings games are set at the same timeline this Con, people will need to select one or the other (or make a new character).
100 point characters. Stats are Eccentricity, Sport, Tenacity and Money – all will be explained. The characters are children of the Blandings version of Amberites (except that Fiona and Flora are Aunts). Mirelle and Random Threepwood are too young to have adult children, so also out. Players will also have a special free skill for this game – it should be something that will be useful to you when you arrive at the upper reaches of the Amazon.
Full character notes will be supplied to new players.
- Angus B
- Anna J
- Claire M
- Jason P
- Judith S
- Mel M (GM)
- Richard C
- Sandy M
- Simone PM
Game 10/3: A Brand New World
GM: Paul J
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
Genre: ?
The legendary city of Jade stands proudly at one end of reality while at the other end stands the identical city of Jade. Between them are innumerable shadows. All are ruled by the Emperor-God Brand.
Brand has rewritten the Pattern of Amber in his own image, and written out his entire known family, except for his own son Luke. Although he couldn’t affect Oberon, his father was believed dead anyway.
Now a band of unlikely shadow-dwellers with strange powers have been gathered together by figures in hiding who dare not show themselves: Vialle, deemed too unimportant to worry about; Luke’s Pattern Ghost Rinaldo, alive only because Luke still exists; and the strange entity known as Ghostwheel, powerful enough to resist the changes to the Pattern. The shadow-dwellers represent hidden grandchildren of the Royal Family of Amber unaffected only because they were unknown to the emperor-god. With them lies the potential for restoring the true Amber by facing down its greatest enemy and returning its rightful lineage, if they so dare.
New characters will be built from 90 points with at least 30 points spent on powers (not including items or creatures). Returning characters have an additional 25 points to spend as they like.
It is intended that this should be the second and final part of this story.
Full details of available partial powers will be provided by the GM before the Con. No Pattern, Logrus, or advanced powers, and no items or creatures of more than 4 points. But don’t worry, some additional partial powers are available, mainly adapted from those for LoGaS. All characters are aged between 18 and 30 and any newcomers believe themselves to be ordinary shadow-dwellers with their powers (and items) latent at the beginning.
- Edith B
- Guy A
- Paul J (GM)
- Rachel W
- Sally P
- Scott S
- Thom dJ
Game 10/4: Pax Britannica (Campaign)
GM: Alastair J
Cast: 4-6
System: ?
Genre: ?
“If at first you don’t succeed… ” – Robert the Bruce
The trip to Iceland didn’t quite work out as was hoped for. It’s early October 1872 and Lord M is now sporting a rather fetching new silver mechanical left hand. So it’s back to the drawing board with investigating the mythology on finding out how to activate the shards into what ought to become a further way of protecting the Empire from its enemies. At least that’s the plan!
Britain is riding high with its technology and industry delivering advances in military prowess as well as for the economy. The power of steam, advances in clockwork and creation of difference engines have delivered not just economic changes but also social and environmental ones too, even resulting in flight. But there is no room for complacency though as other countries and empires seek opportunities to advance their various causes usually at the cost of others.
For various reasons which are unique to each character, you are working for the Government, in particular Viscount Lord Melbourne (nephew of the Queen’s first PM). You have been chosen because of your exceptional if not unique abilities and prowess which Lord M, as he is affectionately referred to, puts to use when awkward complications arise.
Character creation details will be circulated in due course.
Although this is a continuation game, new players are very welcome.
- Alastair J (GM)
- Jules D
- Keith M
- Keith PM
- Matthew B
- Trish H
- Vivek D
Game 10/5: Aurellis (Mainline)
GM: Tim H
Cast: 4-6
System: Homebrew
Genre: Evolving Series
This slot we will be returning to your normal scheduled service with a game based out of the real world (ish) of spring 2012. Or perhaps somewhere else entirely. It is a multiverse after all.
This description is going sound a lot like last years, because not THAT much time has rolled forwards since ACNI 23. It has rolled round to spring 2012 game date now, and it’s difficult to keep track. Random is King of Amber. Everybody knows that, right? Lots of people just helped kick an invading Uberon out of Fiona’s ancient Castle at Điện Biên Phủ.
But, hang on – there’s that recent proclamation, from Benedict, King of Amber, And let’s not forget all that recent fun and games with Queen Jade of Amber.
And should we even mention Thelbane. Obviously, King Mandor and Queen Hera rule. Except what about King Osric? Or King Merlin? Or King Graeme? Or Co-Queen Juno?
Yep. Definitely difficult to keep track, in this long running campaign in the multiverse that goes wrong occasionally. Well worth knowing what is around that blind corner, before you turn.
New characters are created via a quiz, before the con. Returning players welcome, either with an existing character, or a new one.
- George K
- Marieke K
- Richard M
- Tim H (GM)
- Tym N
Sunday – Slot 11 (Evening)
(7pm – Late)
Game 11/1: Chiaroscuro, Impasto and Craquelure
GM: Pete M
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG & some homebrew
System: Cinematic Investigation
The Guardian 22 Dec 2024
Intruders boke into the National Gallery to steal a number of priceless paintings that were to form the basis of the galleries Christmas display.
They forced entry and removed the works from an exhibition 11.30pm last night.
Police were alerted by the one of the gallery guards on noticing the missing paintings and arrived minutes later.
Daily Telegraph 23 Dec 2024 from the robbery on the 22nd, either the thieves returned or a new gang got into the National Gallery and stole a further seven paintings, all by Nicolas Poussin according to a statement by the Director of the National Gallery.
Police and Security specialists are confused as to how the robberies took place as there is no evidence of any break-in and on internal CCTV the thieves are seen walking into a dead end corridor with their loot and not emerging again.
Will you recover the artworks? Will you work out how the crime was committed. Can you save the National Gallery’s Christmas? Can you introduce the Guardian to a spell-checker?
Characters are pre-gens chose from:
1) The cop they find
2) The cop with problems
3) The cop from the north
4) The Met’s perfect cop
5) The Met’s thug cop
6) The one from the Home Office
Chars are human aged late 20’s to Mid 40’s, Stats are the usual plus Presence.
- Becca D
- Fiona W
- Jason P
- Keith M
- Natalie A
- Pete M (GM)
- Simone PM
Game 11/2: Day of the Dog
GM: Matthew B
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
Something is wrong, and there are only you guys to sort it out. You guys being the pets of the Amberites, it is the time of King Random. People may talk of Julian’s Hellhounds, or Flora’s Wolfhounds, but we all know that the elders have pets which Corwin never wrote about, after all where do you think the stories of familiars come from.
Characters are all the pets of different Amberites, Flora and Julian excluded. Perhaps you are Gerard’s pet frog, or the now deceased Eric’s favourite cat. As long as you can fit in the castle and locomote in it without it being flooded you are welcome in this game. Get your pet in, tell me what is special about it, and a sheet will be waiting for you on the day.
- Esther S
- Guy A
- Matthew B (GM)
- Rachel W
- Sandy M
- Shadow A
- Tim H
Game 11/3: Burning Coal
GM: Vivek D
Cast: 4-6
System: Cinematic Diceless, explained in game summary
Genre:: Spy
It is the turn of the 19th century: The great imperial powers vie for dominance, fuelled by coal and steered by the industrial combines and their brass-and-steel difference engines:
But not all their conflicts are played out in the open, by displays of military might or commercial conflicts – there are other, more shadowy arenas where the Great Game is also played.
At the heart of the British Empire we find The Ministry (it has a name, officially, on paper – but never speak it. It is always just The Ministry).
Home to the freak, the monster, the superhuman, the undead, the spy, the assassin and the mad scientist* and those simply… less trammeled by ordinary moral considerations.
This means you.
The Society of Hypercognisant Artisans and Master Engineers prefers “Enlightened Engineer” over the vulgar and somewhat pejorative “Mad Scientist”.
Players should pick an archetype or template to build their character on – Mad Scientist*, Monster, Super-spy, Werewolf, Golem, Demon-ridden Sorceress – feel free to plunder any and all of Pulp, Sci-Fi, Fantasy for an idea (or even come up with your own).
That’s who your character is. In addition there should be a reason the ministry would want to employ you some extraordinary ability, power or skill-set.
A reason you work for the ministry:
They might have stayed your execution for a crime (real or framed)
Maybe they pay you vast sums of money.
Perhaps they are the only source of a drug you need.
Possibly you’re just the right mix of patriotic and amoral that you want to.
One superhumanly strong stat or trait, eg:
Strong / Agile / Dextrous / Strong-willed / Perceptive / etc
0 or more additional strengths, each balanced by a weakness, eg:
Weak / Aged / Clumsy / Weak-willed / Vulnerable to iron / Berserk / etc
To be clear – your first strength is free. Only additional ones must be paid for.
- Alastair J
- Anna J
- Keith PM
- Marieke K
- Mel M
- Trish H
- Tym N
- Vivek D
Game 11/4: Protectorate – The Viennese Compromise.
GM: Dave C
Cast: 4-6
System: Homebrew
Genre: Spy
The Protectorate is the last bastion against the Chaosian Hegemony. The last hope in the savage darkness of Transreality and the struggle against un-comradely behaviour and collectivism.
The war has lulled and once more peace is being discussed after the great sacrifice of the Admiral Kuznetsov proved her patriotic zeal (all souls lost) and sobriquet of “Tested to Destruction”. Falling in the last battle of the Patriotic War off the coast off the Indigenous Peoples of Finnterland Collective – The Battle for Scorched Flesh Bay.
The conference has been arranged at the neutral zone of the Vienna Compromise, a reinforced old hub station to the west. Agents will be sent, whatever happens comrade the Protectorate must survive.
Homebrew – it’s a spy game, assume blackmail, murder, bribery and incompetence.
- Dave C (GM)
- George K
- Judith S
- Paul J
- Richard M
- Stephen Q
- Urwin vL
Game 11/5: On Her Majesty’s Service
GM: Scott S
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
Genre: Fun Friendly Adventure
This is set in the Brandyverse (IYKYK)
1st set of books mostly happened. Random has been in charge of Amber for about 40 years*
(*Players please tell me if that feels wrong)
Moire died recently and there is a new Queen on the throne of Rebma – Yvain
Rebma is still recovering from almost losing the enchantment that protects the city from the pressures of the deep and the new Queen’s court is still forming and working out what the new status quo actually is.
Maybe it’s because there are so few mirror mages nowadays or maybe it’s because everyone has been focusing on rebuilding Rebma – but the first outlying realm to stop contact was missed. So was the second. Some scribe wrote down a strange message from the third which took some time to make it’s way to someone that actually realised there was a problem.
Plotted on a map it is obvious in hind sight that something is encroaching on the distant realms (the underwater equivalent of the golden circle kingdoms). The Queen has asked you to investigate.
Players should have a reason to be included in this tactical squad sent to investigate why the realms are no longer in communication with Rebma.
I want to know that reason.
I want to know if you are loyal to the new Queen.
You can be from one of the various houses of Rebma or from Amber or something else interesting.
Standard ADRPG (Mostly)
Players will have 130 points to spend
I need to confirm any items.
Returning characters are welcome as are new characters.
Pattern is free – you do not HAVE to take it but you get no extra points for NOT taking it.
This setting will be largely underwater so be Rebman or have some way of being underwater (Item, Shapeshift or Sorcey are all options though the latter may be risky)
If you are Rebman there is some stuff you can get for free – talk to me.
In my universe, if you want pattern you need to have Amber or above in ALL stats.
Rebman’s are not known for having pattern and I think I have enough Rebman’s that DO have pattern for the moment so unless you are an existing Rebman with pattern – no pattern.
Any Amber parent (bar Random unless you are an existing character) is OK
Any Rebman house is OK (But see my comments about needing a reason for the Queen to have chosen you)
PLEASE don’t try and build something that will allow you to win the game all by yourself … not my style of game. More interested in character and backstory.
With regards to Sorcery. Think more of your STYLE of sorcery. You don’t have to produce defined list of all your spells – but I need to have an idea of how and what you think you can do. Similarly – you probably need SOMETHING for racking spells but no need to detail what spells are where – if it feels like you would have a spell that does X then we can decide in the moment if you have it ready or have to build it on the fly.”
- Alan W
- Angus B
- Dave C (Guest Appearance!)
- Edith B
- Kevin D
- Sally P
- Scott S (GM)
- Thom dJ
Monday – Slot 12 (Morning)
(10am – 5pm)
Game 12/1: On His Majesties Secret Service
GM: Kevin D
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG+
Genre: Spy Games
“Far up, Far out, Far more!”
You were hand picked for the King’s Secret Service. The Aureate. Which King you might ask? Well, there really is only one King worth serving: His Imperial Majesty, Mandor I. The only problem… actually, let’s not kid ourselves, there’s a whole host of problems….
Did I miss anything important? The list could continue on indefinitely but we don’t have time for more. You’ve been summoned and you’d better not keep the King waiting.
You’re a loyal agent, maybe even a special agent, of the only true King of Chaos and all shadow… and you have a particular set of skills.
What do you look like? Pictures please.
Why are you loyal to the King?
Why were you summoned?
What is your schtick? Your special skill? Everyone has an often jealously guarded speciality or two!
Characters should be constructed using 250 points. Returning players can have an extra 5pts of advancement.
As Chaosians, Power Words, Sorcery, Logrus and Shapeshifting are common. Trump Artistry is available though less common. Conjuration is simply a time consuming application of the former abilities. Demons are Chaosians too and you can choose to play one. The King is very likely to have contracted you, bound you or otherwise brought you into his service. Construct creation is a particular pleasure of the King. If you want to play one, he is very likely to have made you, brought you to life or otherwise created you. Pattern, while existing, is not available. Broken Pattern is, should you wish to embrace the utter madness of it. If there’s another power you want, speak to me and I’ll cost it.
- George K
- Keith M
- Keith PM
- Kevin D (GM)
- Scott S
- Simone PM
- Stephen Q
Game 12/2: Amber Mouseguard: Between Conscience and the Bleak Horizon
GM: Natalie A
Cast: 4-6
System: Amber Mouseguard
Genre: Action, Investigation, Mouseguard
Winter has passed and Spring has come. The guard are departing Guard Keep to open the roads and keep the peace and the last of the Guard Council who’d been abroad during Winter are returning. There will be an election for Guard Leader within days; traditionally on the last day of the first full moon of spring, but most of you are off the active list for one reason or another.
This spring, however, something unusual has happened; no gull has arrived to relieve the gull rider who was stationed at Guard Keep over the winter. That rider wishes to go home and his gull is suffering from the climate of the Keep. Moreover the Guard Council Member for the Sea, who is based in Cabra, has not arrived for the election. Something may have to be done about this.
Characters will be generated at the con, or could be returning characters. This game takes place at the same time as “The Moon its Mother”, so whilst the same player can be in both they will need to have different mice.
Slot: 12, or any other slot outside the main con if that’s more convenient.
- Anna J
- Guy A
- Natalie A (GM)
- Richard M
- Shadow A
- Vivek D
Backup Games
Game b/1: GROM: The great Amborian DOGSHOW
GM: Esther S
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRP, or something like that
Genre: Amber, under the reign of Random
Established after the first year of Randoms reign, GROM is the greatest dog show in the multiverse. The show takes place over four days and has been held at the Royal Exhibition Centre (REC), in the Great City of Amber. It attracts thousands of dogs with their owners and handlers, displaying their dogs’ skills and abilities to adoring crowds. Last edition, GROM again welcomed over 150,000 attendees – and that is not including the dogs.
How did GROM get its name?
GROM is named after Florimels first wolfhound, mr, GROM. He was her best companion in her younger years growing up and a legendary stud. All the dogs she owned after Grom where his descendants. When the kingdom was stabilized, Florimel decided to host this dog show to (re)connect with the people and create a networking possibility. The event gained popularity and recognition over the years and eventually became what is today one of the most prestigious dogs show in the multiverse.
What can you experience at GROM?
One of the most exciting aspects of GROM is the world-famous Best in Show competition, where the top dog from each breed group competes for the coveted title. GROM is not just a celebration of dogs; it is also a hub for dog enthusiasts and professionals. Visitors can browse through numerous stalls featuring a diverse range of dog-related products, get expert advice from trainers and breeders, and even witness special dog activities like heelwork to music. Beyond the glitz and glamour, GROM also highlights the special bond we share with canines, recognizing the significant impact that our faithful companions have on our lives and the encouragement they provide during challenging times. GROM truly represents the diverse and extraordinary multiverse of dogs. From majestic and regal breeds to lovable mutts, this show celebrates the beauty, intelligence, and companionship that dogs bring to our lives.
You are a participant in GROM, either as a dog owner competing for best of show or doing a demonstration, or otherwise.
It is up to you who you are, where you come from and especially why you are attending this year’s GROM.
Please describe yourself and include a picture of you (and your pooch).
Game b/2: Aurellis (Edwardiana)
GM: Tim H
Cast: 4-6
System: Homebrew
Genre: Evolving Series
In the great Aurellis multiverse, there is a Realm called Edwardiana, which some players already have characters with connections to. This game will take place here, and players will need characters that would be there, or might get called in. Which might mean launching a new character for some. That’s OK. Lots of people have more than one character in Aurellis.
Edwardiana is poised in the late winter / early spring of 1911. King Edward VII has just died, and George V now rules. But he hasn’t been crowned yet – that won’t happen until the summer. It is a world where the tech level is appropriate to the calendar date, though perhaps that is not fixed.
Europe is much as Europe was in that time. However, America is not. A multi-shadow group called the Federation of American State are currently in the middle of a pitched battle with a bunch of allied European nations for America. Canada, some of the East coast, Florida, some of the Gulf of Mexico, some of the Pacific NW, and some of California have been liberated by European forces. The Feds hold the rest.
The game will be initially based out of London, United Kingdom. At this point in time, It is not the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, because in real life, that doesn’t happen until 1919-1921. It’s the United Kingdom. God Bless King George.
All the normal rules for Aurellis as regards Powers, and character creation will apply. If I need to send out the quiz, I’ll edit it for an Edwardiana background.
New Characters are created via a quiz. Existing characters welcome. Existing players without an Edwardiana based character may need to generate one.
Game b/3: ISEKAI: Are you even human?
GM: Keith PM
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPGish
Genre: ?
In 2024 the moon hatched and a star dragon child died to a nuclear barrage from an American asteroid defence system in orbit. Its death essence released a mana cloud around the globe, contaminating most life on the Earth, causing evolutions, mutations and calamities killing billions.
Things have gotten worse since then.
Some people have superpowers, magic, or systems now but so too do the extradimensional invaders slowly wiping humanity out, The Earth has merged with a number of other Worlds and Realms and the maps had to be redrawn numerous times. Some tech still works, mankind has lost global communications, the internet and by some miracle managed to download and preserve 15% of online data. Mind you its all cat videos and tweets.
By your recent birthday the war has been loss after loss for nearly as long as you have been alive.
So you can hardly bring yourself to feel shocked when Portals start opening inside the beleaguered dwindling Cities of Man and alien beings from Fantasy, Dungeons, Eldritch Horrors, Monster Girls, and Jackalopes appear
You are newly awakened to the
Modified Amber games rules and additional flavour text, 3-6 players, character creation rules to follow
[Previous: The Convention Format]