Past Game Books – ACNI 2018
AmberCon NI 2018
Thursday – Bonus Evening Game
(9pm – 11pm)
Game 1/1: All Bar None (aka Pot Luck)
GM: Kevin D
Cast: Anyone interested….
System: Unknown
This will be the first time I try a ‘Pre-Con’ game prior to the already ‘Pre-Con’ Friday morning game that has now become a standard offering! Considering how many people are flying in early, there’s actually a chance folk may want to gather, share stores, play a game or two of cards, Hearthstone or settle for actually playing something.
Regardless, I’ll be there and if you’re keen on joining, please sign up for this slot and state your preference for what you’d like to do! Chilling and chatting after your flight is a perfectly viable option – but then so is getting a head start on the you con kill count!
By the seems of it, most folk attending Pot Luck voted for a natter at the bar!
- Kevin D
- Alastair J
- Dave C
- Fiona J
- Jonathan A
- Matthew B
- Rob Israel
- Tym Norris
Game 1/2: A Midsummer Night’s Scream
GM: Carsten D
Cast: Anyone interested….
System: ADRPG
The courts of chaos are in an uproar. Suhuy, master of the Logrus, did not wake from his last slumber and no one has a clue what is going on. The King of Chaos in his desperation sends a demon messenger to Amber with an offering for a truce and a call for help. Now some family members, who are quiet familiar with all kinds of theories concerning shadow, have to face the fact that this might be true for material worlds – but not for the mysterious realm of the Dreaming. With the aid of a strange wizard they enter the realm beyond the walls of the wakening worlds and face a danger far greater than they would ever expect.
Pre-generated classic Amberites will be provided, so players don’t have to build their characters.
- Carsten D (GM)
- Anna J
- Elizabeth B
- Jocelyn B
- Keith M
- Mark N
- Rachel W
- Stephen Z
Friday – Morning Game
(11am – 5pm)
Game 2/1: Spares
GM: Matthew B
Cast: 3+ and it will handle drop-ins when you get to the hotel!
System: ADRPG
You have woken up wet and naked in a room. There is sticky liquid covering you, a wash basin and a towel on a stand nearby and clothes in your colours lying folded on a table, along with weapons in a style you prefer.
You clean yourself, dress and step out through the door.
Describe your idea of an elder and their abilities. Also include your likely arrival time (although if you arrive early or later that’s fine).
- Matthew B (GM)
- Alan W
- Claire M
- Dave C
- Elizabeth B
- Gary B
- Jocelyn B
- Kevin D
- Marieke K
- Mark N
- Paul J
- Mel M
- Sally P
- Tym N
- Paul J
Organiser’s Note:
Matthew B has kindly prepared a game suitable for those arriving during the Friday morning. If you’d like to drop in, please sign up here!
Game 2/2: Hunt of the Nephilim
GM: Rob I
Cast: 4-8
System: Homebrew ADRPGish
The Council of Arcadia has decreed that the rogue sorcerer and known nephilim, Claudius Hyde, must be made to face justice for crimes against reality and the people of Arcadia.
Leading this crusade are members of the Servants of Isthar, colloquially known as the Green Order, who make their life’s work defending the multiverse against those that abuse magic and power over reality. Supplementing this mission are a guide to the paths through realities, members of other Orders who also seek justice, and a ruthless mercenary or two just in it for the cash.
Characters will be pre-made, each with their own personal ‘victory condition’ goal (as well as the universal victory condition of a successful hunt). Players will bid on which character they wish to play at the start of the game, and leftover points can be used to purchase certain add-on items. Leftover/overspent points are “stuff”.
Gameplay will be focused on travelling through strange realities on the path of a dangerous criminal, so combat, survival, and roleplaying interactions with those you come across on the path will play a significant part of this game.
If the players don’t complete the mission by the end of the session time, the evil nephilim escapes!
- Rob I (GM)
- Alastair J
- Anna J
- Carsten D
- Jonathan A
- Keith M
- Rachel W
- Scott S
- Stephen Z
Friday – Evening Game
(7pm to Late)
Game 3/1: It was this way when I found it.
GM: Dave C
Cast: 4-8
System: Lords of Gossamer and Shadow (LoGaS)
Time: 02:17:22
Date: 03/02/18
Location: London
It is one of those mornings – you know the type. The type when your phone goes off at some Gods awful time in the wee small hours. Not your phone of course, no that one is still dormant, no this is the other phone – the one they gave you.
Time to get yourself together. Time to do what you do. Something has changed and someone or something is threatening London.
10 point LoGaS characters – you may buy down as many stats as you want up to -25 (buying down in chunks of -10 or -25). I would advise against using any of the Great Powers with a Psyche or Endurance of less than -10. Let me repeat that I would strongly advise against using any of the Great Powers with low stats unless you have another mechanism in place. If you intend to take any of the great powers please consider how you came to learn them and how you have failed so far to cause major mayhem in the world around you.
Every character must be a member of some sort of secret organisation – MI5, The Laundry, The Golden Dawn. Whatever you want but you have to let me know and what your role is in that organisation. Should you choose to be part of a non-esoteric but still secret organization all good but expect some whiplash moments as reality and preconception may are may not tally.
No artifacts above 4 points.
Stuff capped at +5/-5
Wrighting and Invocation although not impossible would potentially prove inadvisable.
Allies – please buy some.
Every character must have a dim, dark, dirty secret – either you write it or I’ll give you one. On the whole you’ll probably prefer to determine your own problems.
Please may I have characters as soon as possible, by preference no more than 1000 words/ character. Let me know what your character does, where they came from, where they live, what they like, what they hate, what they do. The usual oh and did I mention a dark secret – one of those please. Whatever you want to play you have to be able to work in London in 2018 without drawing attention to yourself.
- Dave C (GM)
- Alan W
- Anna J
- Jocelyn B
- Kevin D
- Paul J
- Rob I
Game 3/2: Can’t See The Woods For The Trees
GM: Tym N
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
Arden Forest, a dark and mysterious place, no-one really knows all of it except Julian and he’s vanished. So a group of his friends, children and employees have decided to go looking for him.
Standard 150pt character created before the con.
- Tym N (GM)
- Carsten D
- Claire M
- Elizabeth B
- Jonathan A
- Stephen Z
- Willem-Jan W
Game 3/3: Fall of Magic
GM: Gary B
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
“Magic is dying, and the Magus is dying with it. We few companions must travel together to the realm of Umbra where magic was born.”
Fall of Magic is a diceless, collaborative storytelling game where the players assume the roles of a group of travellers in the company of the Magus. The destination is the mysterious source of all magic though why the players seek this mythical place is up to them. On the way, You will encounter strange hosts, fantastic places, and perilous choices as we play to discover who our characters are, how they relate, and how our journey changes them.
- Gary B (GM)
- Andy R
- Keith M
- Mel M
- Rachel W
- Sally P
- Vivek D
Game 3/4: Perils in a Pacific Paradise
GM: Jason P
Cast: 5-7
System: Homebrew
- Jason P (GM)
- Alastair J
- Marieke K
- Mark N
- Mascha D
- Matthew B
- Scott S
Saturday – Morning Game
(9am – 5pm)
Game 4/1: This Woman’s Work
GM: Alan W
Cast: 4-6
System: Modified ADRPG
I should be crying but I just can’t let it show
I should be hoping but I can’t stop thinking
All the things we should’ve said that are never said
All the things we should’ve done that we never did
…Oh darling make it go away
There are two worlds, Marcuria, the world of magic and Stark, the realm of science. You must walk the paths in between. Saved April. Saved the world. Can you save yourselves?
A sequel to “Tower of the Mind”, new and returning players welcome. Characters are from a future Shadow Earth, specialists in their chose field. No points required, just a description. Details provided by the GM.
- Alan W (GM)
- Claire M
- Kevin D
- Paul J
- Mel M
- Willem-Jan W
Game 4/2: Escape from Gulag 13
GM: Matthew B
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
The Farnese-Kashfa war has been going for a few years but it’s about to end and the military industrial complex of Farnese is about to get a clobbering, and one that Amber supports (although not officially). There is one simple problem with this, Kashfa can’t afford to win. The Farnese have captured a large number of Kashfan nobility with the intention of negotiating ransoms when the war ends, Kashfa can’t pay and Amber doesn’t want Farnese getting that much money anyway. It also doesn’t want to see a number of Kashfan nobles suddenly executed.
King Random’s plan is to find some volunteers to be arrested as escaped Kashfan prisoners of war and have them sent to the notorious Gulag 13 to arrange for a jail break. Of course the people sent can’t use pattern or powers very much (that would be noticed) and Amber should be able to deny their existence if they get caught.
100pt characters. Amber Diceless RPG. No shadow knight weirdness. No items or sets of items over 4 points. Stuff limit 5pts. No stats below chaos. All characters must either come with a decent criminal record from the reign of Eric/Oberon/Corwin or Random, be the children of Amberites not in favour in the court (Eric/Brand etc) or just be good guys out to prove themselves. [If prisoners have items, animals or allies then they will be returned by Random when the characters accept] [All characters should be willing to accept this deal at the start of the scenario.] [Farnese is a sword and musket style world]
Additional: If a player has taken part in the Vialle 2.0 campaign before (eg in Where Amberites Dare) then their character can return if they wish.
- Matthew B (GM)
- Anna J
- Elizabeth B
- Jocelyn B
- Jonathan A
- Mark N
- Mascha D
- Rob B
Game 4/3: Jigsaw
GM: Carsten D
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
You’ll discover the private Shadow Shelter of Oberon and uncover some terrible secrets and face deadly guardians. Will you solve the mystery of the Oberon’s last will and testament? Or will they fail and pay the price?
100pt characters from the core Amber family (though relatives are allowed)
- Carsten D (GM)
- Gary B
- Keith M
- Rachel W
- Sally P
- Scott S
- Stephen Z
Game 4/4: Burning Coal
GM: Vivek D
Cast: 4-8
System: Burning Coal
Note: While the game description is the same as 2/2, the game will be very different – even for players playing both!
It is the turn of the 19th century: The great imperial powers vie for dominance, fuelled by coal and steered by the industrial combines and their brass-and-steel difference engines:
But not all their conflicts are played out in the open, by displays of military might or commercial conflicts – there are other, more shadowy arenas where the Great Game is also played.
At the heart of the British Empire we find The Ministry (it has a name, officially, on paper – but never speak it. It is always just The Ministry).
Home to the freak, the monster, the superhuman, the undead, the spy, the assassin and the mad scientist* and those simply… less trammeled by ordinary moral considerations.
This means you.
Players should pick an archetype or template to build their character on – Mad Scientist*, Monster, Super-spy, Werewolf, Golem, Demon-ridden Sorceress – feel free to plunder any and all of Pulp, Sci-Fi, Fantasy for an idea (or even come up with your own).
That’s who your character is. There should be a reason the ministry would want to employ you – some extraordinary ability, power or skill-set. There should also be a reason you work for the ministry: They might have stayed your execution for a crime (real or framed) in return for your service. Maybe they pay you vast sums of money. Perhaps they are the only source of a drug you need. Or possibly you’re just the right mix of patriotic and amoral that you do it because you want to.
- Vivek D (GM)
- Alastair J
- Andy R
- Dave C
- Edith B
- Jason P
- Marieke K
- Tym N
Saturday – Evening Game
(7pm – Late)
Game 5/1: Reflections and Echoes
GM: Dave C
Cast: 4-7
System: LoGaS
In the realms of the Oneiroi there is only you. Loose ends and faded memories collide and perhaps from these things revelation or forgiveness may be found. If you are one of those that have faced Great Soulded Sam and survived then the last thing you recall was the screaming whine of Eidolon engines tested to destruction as Slake’s vessel roars towards oblivion.
For those lucky enough never to have met the Buddha then there was a flash and then beautiful arcing tracery the likes of which can never be replicated and have never been seen before. The lines of imperfection fading across scorched retinas fall into darkness mixed with the smell of cordite and tobacco smoke and the sound of a woman’s laughter and dogs in the background.
Elsewhere on the stair Ma Geneva turns to her Bill “Oi you useless fing get them nice cups out someone’s cummin’ in’t they? An’ no nicking them jammy dodgers thems for guests.”
Down behind the corners and the corridors a man in orange turns at a noise in the shadows, “Oh fuck! But you’re dead. I saw….”
Finally storm clouds form up over an old observatory and the flashes of lightning mark the night sky. It is the season of rains in this place and the river is coming into flood. With each flash the walls of the observatory become more picked out as the purple flowers are picked out clean against the stone.
For those who have faced Great Souled Sam and survived it.
Additionally new characters built on 150 points character to be submitted to me before game time of new.
Old characters please let me have up to 10 loose ends and threads you would like to be unravelled for you in the land of dreams.
Usual warning – I advise against invocation and Eidolon/ Umbra can be bought at lower levels.
All players must contact me prior to game by email please.
- David C (GM)
- Alan W (r)
- Edith B (r)
- Gary B (r)
- Kevin D (r)
- Paul J (r)
- Tym N (r)
- Vivek D (r)
Game 5/2: Pax Britannica
GM: Alastair J
Cast: 6
System: –
Pax Britannica (Latin for “British Peace”) is the period of relative peace in Europe and the world (1815 – the present) during which the British Empire has become the global hegemonic power and has adopted the role of a global police force.
We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace.
William Ewart Gladstone, PM
It is the year 1872 and Britain is riding high with its technology and industry delivering advances in military prowess as well as for the economy. The power of steam, advances in clockwork and creation of difference engines have delivered not just economic changes but also social and environmental ones too, even resulting in flight. But there is no room for complacency though as other countries and empires seek opportunities to advance their various causes usually at the cost of others.
For various reasons which are unique to each character, you are working for the Government, in particular Viscount Lord Melbourne (nephew of the Queen’s first PM). You have been chosen because of your exceptional if not unique abilities and prowess which Lord M, as he is affectionately referred to, puts to use when complications arise that “require a certain degree of secrecy and tact”. You will be briefed on your mission by Lord M on a strictly need-to-know basis. Huzzah!
Although this is a continuation game, new players are very welcome.
- Alastair J (GM)
- Andy R
- Claire M
- Jason P
- Marieke K
- Mascha D
- Sally P
Game 5/3: Caine and Abel
GM: Rachel W
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
When Caine breaks into Oberon’s old study and then mysteriously disappears, King Random is adamant that it’s the younger generation that must find him and bring him home.
Children of the elder Amberites. 100 point characters, no Shadow Knight.
- Rachel W (GM)
- Carsten D
- Elizabeth B
- Jonathan A
- Mel M
- Stephen Z
- Willem-Jan W
Game 5/4: Storms over Amber
GM: Scott S
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
Its been one year since Random took the crown. Things were good at first. Wounds healed, cities were rebuilt and those nasty Chaosians have kept themselves to themselves . Random has been a… Boisterous …king. sometimes partying so hard some of his guests have died from exhaustion. Only Vialle seems to be able to get him to give the court a break and to focus on the job of running the kingdom. For Random Delegation is a magic word and Flora and Vialle have taken on much of the work.
The first storm wasn’t that bad…..a slightly larger than normal swell that caused issues around the docks. Subsequent storms were worse. Amber’s lower city was flooded and Random has taken to standing atop the castle walls, Jewell of Judgement held high shouting at the storm to prevent further damage.
After the latest storm you are called into a private meeting with the King……
The 1st set of books can be considered cannon….or at least Corwin’s official viewpoint. Ignore then second set. Nothing is known of Merlin et all
Characters will be Amberites. Lineage will be known….but any Amberite can be your parent….as long as you come up with a public story of why you are at court and at least respected and considered loyal to the family.
150 points. Pattern is free but you don’t have to take it (no points back though)
No advanced powers
No Shadow Knight stuff
All items subject to GM approval
Max 5 points of stuff good or bad
- Scott S (GM)
- Anna J
- Jocelyn B
- Keith M
- Mark N
- Matthew B
- Rob I
Sunday – Morning Game
(9am – 5pm)
Game 6/1: Blandings, Biarritz and Baccarat
GM: Mel M
Cast: 6-9
The game is a crossover between Amber and the novels of PG Wodehouse, e, set in the Wodehousian universe, with elements of the thrillers of the 1930s – Dornford Yates, Sapper, John Buchan and Bulldog Drummond. The system is a variant of the Gentlemen and Players rules, created by Timothy Ferguson (see Full notes will be supplied.
It’s early February, cold and dank at Blandings Castle, and a fair few inhabitants are recovering from flu. So when a restorative trip to Biarritz is suggested, it seems like a tophole plan. And someone has to keep a watchful eye on certain of the Uncles who might otherwise see themselves as off the leash and in the vicinity of a rather fine Casino …
But the news that Uncle Caine is also in Biarritz (doing whatever the Empire needs him to do), as well as that dangerous couple Lord and Lady Tilbury (aka George and Dara Sawall) might suggest that other plots are afoot.
100 point characters. The characters are children of the Blandings version of Amberites (except that Fiona and Flora are Aunts). Mirelle and Random Threepwood are too young to have adult children, so also out.
People who have played this game at ACUK – it’s intended to be a side game, not a part of the ongoing story. You can play your usual character, or create a new one for this game.
- Mel M (GM)
- Alan W
- Claire M
- Jason P
- Marieke K
- Mascha D
- Scott S
- Tym N
- Vivek D
Game 6/2: The Widows Revenge
GM: Andy R
Cast: 3-6
System: ADRPG with GM’s tweaks
- Andy R (GM)
- Carsten D
- Elizabeth B
- Rob I
- Stephen Z
Game 6/3: Downstairs, Downstairs
GM: Paul J
Cast: 6-8
System: ADRPG
As a faraway war begins, in a place about which we know little, and the Royal Family of Amber leave to go to fight the enemy, the mighty and impregnable Castle of Amber is left to the supervision of the Princess Florimel. You, its humble Royal servants, can expect no problems from actions a universe away. So it feels like the dawning of an unexpected holiday with no-one to wait on, or clean for, or clean up after.
Characters will be servants of the castle generated according to rules set out by the GM and sent out prior to the Con, but they will be based on regular Amber rules.
- Paul J (GM)
- Sally P (GM)
- Alastair J
- Jonathan A
- Keith M
- Rachel W
- Willem-Jan W
Game 6/4: Wide Awake
GM: Anna J
Cast: 6-8
System: ADRPG
“After its recent breakthroughs in cryogenic stasis and plasma rocket propulsion, Google aims to establish a permanent human settlement on Alpha Centauri. Several unmanned missions will be completed first, delivering supplies and establishing a suitable landing site before the first carefully selected crew will depart on a one-way mission. If we all work together, we can make this happen. We’re going to Alpha Centauri – come with us!
The global search has begun for the first humans to set foot on Alpha Centauri and make it their new home. In an extensive training period, candidates will learn the skills they will need on arrival and in establishing an initial base camp. The combined skill set of each astronaut team member will therefore need to be multi-disciplinary.
Just think, 1000 years from now, everyone on Earth will still remember the names of the first pioneers to set foot on Alpha Centauri! Please explain in 1000 words or less who you are and why your skills, experience and other personal qualities should earn you a place on our crew.”
You can’t believe that your application has been accepted and that you’re in the running to be one of the lucky crew of pioneers making the first manned 88 year trip to Alpha Centauri. Astronaut training goes well and you’re not one of the many disappointed wash-outs.
Then the news you’ve been waiting for – you made the final cut for the first crew which will be captained by one of your heroes – veteran astronaut Captain Eleanor Raymond – first person to set foot on Mars back in 2027. You get into your cryo-pod and gradually everything fades to black, just like the briefing they gave you…
…as you come back from the depths the first thing you become aware of is the sound of alarms ringing. Even in a foggy state you’re pretty sure that wasn’t meant to happen. Also you feel really cold…was that in the briefing on possible post-stasis side effects? As your vision slowly returns you can see flashing red lights to go with those alarms. All around you your fellow astronauts are waking up looking similarly confused.
You groggily sit up and that’s when it hits you – or to be more precise the absence of it hits you – no sign of Alpha Centauri on the forward display viewer. In fact nothing you recognise from the navigation training you received. And that’s when you notice the dead body and you realise it’s the Captain…
Please submit your character’s application to the advert (1000 words or less) and an accurate summary of your psychological profile (as written by a trained professional rather than by your character!) in advance.
All characters are normal humans and start with average human base stats of 0. Pysche in this context governs perceptiveness, intuition and emotional intelligence. Warfare covers intelligence and recall as well as the usual. Strength and endurance as normal. You have 15 points to spend and can down-sell one attribute only by up to 5 points although you’ll need to explain how your character would still be selected for the mission with that shortcoming. No more than 3 points of stuff in either direction.
Briefing notes will be provided to cover important information from your astronaut training including your rank in terms of the command structure.
- Anna J (GM)
- Dave C
- Edith B
- Jocelyn B
- Kevin D
- Mark N
- Matthew B
Sunday – Evening Game
Game 7/1: Mouseguard: The Fall
GM: Matthew B
Cast: 4-6
System: ‘Amber Mousegauard’ (Bespoke)
It is Autumn, the winds are warm, the sun shines down and the crops are being harvested. Things have become quieter again and the forces within the guard trying to tear it apart have been uncovered.
This is a busy time of the year, there is maintenance on the paths to perform, messages to deliver, and pre-winter maintenance to perform in Guard Keep. In the background people are talking about Paulette’s desire to retire at the end of the year and whether or not a suitable replacement can be found.
Character Creation: On the night using the Amber Mouseguard rules. Returning characters possible.
- Matthew B (GM)
- Carsten D
- Claire M
- Gary B
- Mascha D
- Rachel W
- Stephen Z
- Vivek D
Game 7/2: Betrayed
GM: Kevin D
Cast: 4-8
System: ADRPG
Who wasn’t a traitor in Amber?
The Patternfall War concluded ‘without a hitch,’ a small family disagreement was resolved, and Amber now has a new King. Unfortunately, those history books you were so sure would write a fanciful tale of victory and success are painting a much grimmer picture – a story of Betrayal, Murder and worse. Some even go so far as saying that it was entirely a… farce.
Will the throne survive the inevitable uprising?
Who knows, but with Amber’s Royal family a shell of its former self, it’s up to you stabilise this boat, to right the wrong, to hit them where it hurts, to… <insert cliche here>. Let’s get real, it’s once again your chance to claim (or indeed keep!) the Crown of the One True Throne.
The real question is… will you survive?
Characters: Characters:
Characters will be built using 250pts using standard ADRPG rules. To spice things up, there will also be an additional ‘auction’ at the start of the game. How do you pay for the items? That’s up to you to provide…. Novel ideas welcome!
The only character requirement is that you, yes you, have a burning desire to claim the Throne of Amber. We’re not here to pussy-foot around, Amber needs you!
- Kevin D (GM)
- Alan W (r)
- Alastair J (r)
- Anna J
- Dave C
- Edith B (r)
- Jason P (r)
- Paul J (r)
Game 7/3: The Last Roll Of The Dice
GM: Tym N
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG
The Courts of Chaos; Despite the blessing of the Serpent, despite overwhelming numerical superiority, and despite having a traitor in the enemy’s midst – you’re still losing!
Desperate times call for desperate measures, so an elite band of Chaosian troops is sent deep into enemy territory to capture the Eye Of The Serpent.
200 point characters generated before the convention. No Pattern, No Shadow Knight other than that everything is available.
- Tym N (GM)
- Elizabeth B
- Jocelyn B
- Keith M
- Marieke K
- Sally P
- Willem-Jan W
Game 7/4: The Track Not Taken
GM: Jonathan A
Cast: 4-6
System: Modified ADRPG
The fair city of Amethyst is the jewel in the crown of the Amethyst Trade League; ruled from the Glass Palace by Prince Martin. One evening when the Prince is away on state business the young Dukes (and Duchesses), Earls (and Countesses), Marquesses (and Marchionesses) decide to head into the city for a night of entertainment.
However as their train leaves the private station beneath the Palace they observe a wizened hunchback to the side of the trak and the train veers off down a siding none of them had ever noticed before…
Characters will be younger Amberites (children of Martin, Merlin, Luke, Coral, or someone else of that age) who have grown up in a steam/cyber punk world.
More details including character creation will appear at
- Jonathan A (GM)
- Andy R
- Mark N
- Mel M
- Rob I
- Scott S
Monday – Bonus Morning Game
Game 8/1: Pot Luck
GM: Kevin D
Cast: Anyone who comes
System: Unknown
As with the early game, sign up here if you have the morning free and want to do something! This could take the form of lazing around in the hotel… or it could be a walk down to the beach through the forest. Not sure. We’ll see how many people sign and up and decide as a group what to do!
Currently we have 18!! Yes, 18 players signed up for a Monday game. This is far beyond what I expected. As such, I’m looking to try and organise something game-wise for Monday and we’ll what Potted Luck I’m able to uncover! 🙂 Watch this space!
- Loads!!
Backup Games
For GMs kind enough to offer ‘extra’ games even though they would prefer to be playing!
Game B/1: Amber Zero Dawn
GM: Alan W
Cast: 6-8
System: ADRPG
GAIA: If you had had a child, Elisabet, what would you have wished for him or her? Sobeck: I guess… I would have wanted her to be… curious. And wilful — unstoppable, even… but with enough compassion to… heal the world… just a little bit.
Nature has reclaimed the ruins of forgotten civilisation but humanity lives on in primitive tribes. In this new wilderness, they fight for survival against the machines; ferocious mechanical creatures of unknown origin.
Characters are a disparate group of outlanders hoping to make sense of the strange gifts they have inherited from the Old Ones. Details from the GM.
This game was run previously at ACUK.
Game B/2: It was the land of my Father
GM: Dave C
Cast: 4-6
System: LoGaS
“Prydain, the Land of my Father’s runs from the cold seas in the North where the great river runs into the woods in which the painted men abide. It is bound to the East where the sun rises by the river and woods and hills, the old bridges now long wrecked with war and storm and the time since the Empire left. To the South the coast has three rivers and warmer waters to the lands of Llyonaise in the mists and further to the heart of the Empire that is no more. To the West where the sun dies the slavers and raiders live, the sea provides some protection and towards the North of that border it is said that amongst the skerries and broken ships there is a way to the Golden Isle.” – Nennius Minimus, Annales Prydain ab initio.
Magnus left with the best of you and now the land is beset on all sides. The priests of the one God and the wise folk of the Old Gods all take the words and gifts of the many and sometimes provide miracles. Now though beset on all sides rumour runs that Caer Dolbadarn has been burnt to the ground and the last of the blood of the High Kings is gone and with him the greatest treasures of Prydain. If the Prince is gone who will defend Prydain? Someone must find what has happened to the Prince and what has happened to the treasures. In that vein Hen Coel has called the greatest amongst the lands of Prydain to his Caer to bid them act for the good of the lands.
LoGas Characters 10 pts Talk to me – but simply put no artifacts above 4 points. Tell my why you’re a hero, they come in all forms. The famer who wouldn’t give in, the soldier who refused a bribe, the priest who knew only faith or indeed the wisewoman who knew too much. Game brief will go out before game (Please read before writing a character and for the love of all that’s holy talk to me on line before Belfast).
Game X/1: Cognitive Dissonance
Organiser’s Note: Matt sadly could not make the con, but I’ve kept his publish game blurb here in the hope that we’ll be able to play it at some point in the future!
GM: Matt N
Cast: 4-6
System: A murder mystery mash-up of the Chronicles of Amber and the Dresden Files
Melvin Dresden is Chicago’s first (and only) Wizard Private Eye and is the best at what he does; or at least the best found listed in the phone book!
Turns out the ‘everyday’ world is full of strange and magical things that crawl in from the shadow realms beyond, and most of them don’t play well with humans. That’s where Melvin comes in, aided in his endevors by his ghostly familiar GW, Knight of the Pattern Mitchell Butcher, and Melvin’s vampire best friend Tobias White.
There’s just one problem: business, to put it mildly, sucks! So when the Chicago police department brings him in to consult on the case of the grisly murder of a celebrated local author James Baker seemingly committed with black magic Melvin’s seeing dollar signs. Where there is black magic there is usually a black magician behind it.
Melvin cannot shake the feeling that something here isn’t quite right, but as bodies start to pile up, and his life starts to become . . . interesting, can he manage to sort fact from fiction?
Fantasy – it can get a guy killed.
[Previous: Past Game Books]