Past Game Books – ACNI 2017

AmberCon NI 2017

Friday – Morning Game

(11am – 5pm)

Game 1/1: Enemies of the Amber

GM: Matthew B
Cast: As many as are able to make the Friday Morning game and are willing to play in it as they arrive.
System: Amber


Set before Corwin’s disappearance. Amber is under attack, an enemy army of unknown provenance is laying siege and the family have been summoned back to the castle by Oberon, only he’s not here. Is this a test or a challenge? What is happening within the walls and without? Which of the family do you trust? Which of the family is responsible?


Characters are all elders of Amber (the nine princes and four princesses) or their children, pulled in for this event. If you wish to play an Elder then please submit one or two different elders and a child, as elders will be issued on a first come first served basis. All children must have a designated Amberite elder who they believe is their parent and who introduced them to Oberon. Character submission should be a short paragraph on your interpretation of the Elder or Child, and a short paragraph on how they would choose to attack Amber.


  1. Alan W
  2. Alastair J
  3. Dave C
  4. Edith B
  5. Jonathan A
  6. Kevin D
  7. Paul J
  8. Sally P
  9. Tym N

Friday – Evening Game

(7pm to Late)

Game 2/1: Jewel of Denial

GM: Rachel W
Cast: 6–9
System: ADRPG


The Golden Circle Summit, a fortnight-long meeting of all the heads of the major Golden Circle states, is approaching, and King Random expects all his siblings to attend. Coincidentally, just as the Summit is about to begin, rumours start to spread of a copy of a certain powerful jewel turning up in a backwater shadow. The elders are far too busy to investigate in person, so who do they send but their most trusted servants?


Each character works for one of the elders (one player per elder only)


  1. Alan W
  2. Jason P
  3. Jonathan A
  4. Kevin D
  5. Paul J
  6. Tym N
  7. Sally P

Game 2/2: Burning Coal

GM: Vivek D
Cast: 4-8
System: Burning Coal


It is the turn of the 19th century: The great imperial powers vie for dominance, fuelled by coal and steered by the industrial combines and their brass-and-steel difference engines:

But not all their conflicts are played out in the open, by displays of military might or commercial conflicts – there are other, more shadowy arenas where the Great Game is also played.

At the heart of the British Empire we find The Ministry (it has a name, officially, on paper – but never speak it. It is always just The Ministry).

Home to the freak, the monster, the superhuman, the undead, the spy, the assassin and the mad scientist* and those simply… less trammeled by ordinary moral considerations.

This means you.


Players should pick an archetype or template to build their character on – Mad Scientist*, Monster, Super-spy, Werewolf, Golem, Demon-ridden Sorceress – feel free to plunder any and all of Pulp, Sci-Fi, Fantasy for an idea (or even come up with your own).

That’s who your character is. There should be a reason the ministry would want to employ you – some extraordinary ability, power or skill-set. There should also be a reason you work for the ministry: They might have stayed your execution for a crime (real or framed) in return for your service. Maybe they pay you vast sums of money. Perhaps they are the only source of a drug you need. Or possibly you’re just the right mix of patriotic and amoral that you do it because you want to.

(Further details to follow)


  1. Alastair J
  2. Andy R
  3. Dave C
  4. Edith B
  5. Marieke K
  6. Matthew B

Saturday – Morning Game

(9am – 5pm)

Game 3/1: Stairway to Anywhere

GM: Andy R
Cast: 2-6
System: Lords of Gossamer and Shadow


The infinite length of the Grand Stair leads everywhere and anywhere, offering the promise of unimaginably riches and the risk of
untold danger with every new Door you step through.

This is a Lords of Gossamer and Shadow game, a game based on the Amber Diceless RPG rules but using a new and different background setting. No prior knowledge of Lords of Gossamer and Shadow is needed to play this game, but more details about the rules and setting can be found on the Rite Publishing website.


The PCs all work (at least part time) for Lucien, Lord of the Grand Stair. Lucien is a powerful Gossamer Lord, an expert on the Grand Stair and something of an information broker. You may work for him full time, he may have taught you all you know about the Grand Stair, or you may just be someone he occasionally hires when he needs your expertise. However because of this all the PCs will be known to each other at least my reputation.

Partially pre-generated characters will be provided with opportunity for player customisation.

Note: I have used a very similar game description for games at ACUK/ACNW before, but I have several scenarios that I could run so even if someone has played in one of my LoG&S games before there is no danger that they will end up in a game they have played before.


  1. Alan W
  2. Kevin D
  3. Alastair J
  4. Dave C

Game 3/2: Five Go Mad in Shadow

GM: Matthew B
Cast: 5
System: ADRPG


Random is on the throne, Eric is dead, Corwin is missing somewhere in shadow and all is right with the world. You are one of a small group of children who have been dumped in a manor house in shadow by your parents and told to get along and stay quiet.


50pt Characters: The four characteristics: Endurance, Psyche, Strength and Warfare, and Stuff are standard buys. Beyond that there are skills. Skill are areas of expertise for 4 pts, these
reflect skills such shooting, driving or similar skills, as well as training in trump, or a basic taught knowledge of the pattern. A skilled character is more than basically competent, they are very good at whatever they have picked. All characters are between 8 and 15 years old, none have any powers, and all have an Elder as a parent.


  1. Rachel W
  2. Sally P
  3. Edith B
  4. Vivek D
  5. Gary B

Game 3/3: 47 Views of Mount Kolvir by Hokusai

GM: Tym N
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG


Amber Castle, well known as an imposing grey granite edifice with turrets and crenellations. So it was a big unsettling to wake up this morning and see gleaming white marble minarets. Even more unsettling is the fact that no-one else seems to be bothered. In then end you have found a few others that have the same memories as you and you are going to see what is happening.


125 point characters. Characters MUST have walked the Pattern post-Patternfall. A total of no more than 10 points can be spent on creatures and artefacts, with no 4 point or higher powers et al. I reserve the right to veto anything I think won’t work in the game. Logrus is NOT available.


  1. Marieke K
  2. Jason P
  3. Jonathan A
  4. Paul J

Saturday – Evening Game

(7pm – Late)

Game 4/1: Nunc dimittis

GM: Dave C
Cast: 4-6ish
System: Gossamer and Shadow


The Bridge of the Gods has fallen. Now there is nothing left but cold steel and the will of people to protect Gossamer from Shadow.

Something moves in the starless and bible black emptiness of Shadow. Something sleek and fast and it is not alone.

Along the length of the Agora whispers are running wild, some say the Lady Dayle is dead, others that Vala of the Eternal Glaive has demanded her rights as primer inter pares of the Gossamer Lords.

In her cold rooms Ma Geneva stirs her tea, her head bowed and whispers one word, “Digby”. Could that be a tear in the old lady’s eye?

Deep towards the heart of the Stair the Raggedy Man is still running and as the hounds get closer he scrawls words on the wall of the Stair in his own blood, “Find Sylvia, don’t forget Sylvia, Sylvia has the Clavus.” With that he turns to face the baying, sword in hand and scared, very scared.

Far down in the Black Market near Blind Twistings a man in saffron robes sits with a begging bowl and a smile dances on his lips as he mouths one word, “Sam”. With that he casts the bowl aside and strides towards a Door.

Casting sheet will go out before game as I need to know what I’m getting with respect to characters. Characters will be constructed using 150pts from Lords of Gossamer and Shadow. All Artefacts must be pre-approved so no Christmas Tree characters please. Partial Powers available on enquiry for Eidolon and Umbra. I would advise against Invocation – if you really want it make sure you talk to me. No more than 5 pts of Bad/Good stuff. No more than one attribute at Superior or lower (-10pts). No player contributions. Returning characters will need to have a chat with me before and are more than welcome – you know what you did after all.

  1. Kevin D
  2. Alan W
  3. Gary B
  4. Edith B
  5. Vivek D
  6. Paul J
  7. Tym N

Game 4/2: Pax Britannica

GM: Alastair J
Cast: 6
System: Modified Diceless

Pax Britannica (Latin for “British Peace”) is the period of relative peace in Europe and the world (1815 – the present) during which the British Empire has become the global hegemonic power and has adopted the role of a global police force. We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace.

William Ewart Gladstone, PM

It is the year 1872 and Britain is riding high with its technology and industry delivering advances in military prowess as well as for the economy. The power of steam, advances in clockwork and creation of difference engines have delivered not just economic changes but also social and environmental ones too, even resulting in flight. But there is no room for complacency though as other countries and empires seek opportunities to advance their various causes usually at the cost of others.

For various reasons which are unique to each character, you are working for the Government, in particular Viscount Lord Melbourne (nephew of the Queen’s first PM). You have been chosen because of your exceptional if not unique abilities and prowess which Lord M, as he is affectionately referred to, puts to use when complications arise that “require a certain degree of secrecy and tact”. You will be briefed on your mission by Lord M on a strictly need-to-know basis.


Characters are truly exceptional shadow dwellers that can be found in the fictional literature based in that period, or alternatively from your own imagination.  Further details to follow

  1. Andy R
  2. Rachel W
  3. Matthew B
  4. Sally P
  5. Marieke K
  6. Jason P
  7. Jonathan A

Sunday – Morning Game

(9am – 5pm)

Game 5/1: Tower of the Mind

GM: Alan W
Cast: 4-6
System: Modified Diceless


“Dream on my dear

Renounce temporal obligation

Dream on my dear

It’s a dream from which you may not awaken.”

(Dead Can Dance)


A sequel to “Dreams of the Iconoclast”; new and returning players welcome. Characters are from a future Shadow Earth, specialists in their chose field. No points required, just a description.  Further details to follow

  1. Kevin D
  2. Gary B
  3. Paul J
  4. Sally P
  5. Marieke K
  6. Dave C
  7. Tym N

Game 5/2: Gateway to a Golden Future

GM: Jason P
Cast: 5-7
System: Modified Diceless


The year is 1933, the place San Francisco and times are hard. Prohibition is still in effect and the aftershocks of the Wall Street Crash still are felt. So in a bid to stimulate the local economy, construction of a new bridge in the Bay has began, a new symbol to inspire a new mood in the City. However for all this hope, there are those who have their own plans in order to satisfy their needs of greed and power. So, it is up to a few heroic men and women to do what other can not, and protect the City.


Characters are exceptional Shadow dwellers, heroes and heroines typical of those found in pulp action fiction, and have a reason to be in San Francisco in 1933. A modified character system is being used and I will send details to players once the games have been allocated. It is a loose continuation from last year’s game “Under Eastern Skies, Evil Awakens”, so new and returning players will be welcome.


  1. Edith B
  2. Matthew B
  3. Vivek D
  4. Jonathan A
  5. Andy R
  6. Alastair J
  7. Rachel W

Sunday – Evening Game

(7pm – LATE)

Game 6/1: Amber Mouseguard: Blood Moon

GM: Matthew B
Cast: 4-8 (6 Ideally)
System: Amber Mouseguard

Description: The moon arose last month in the dead of winter. In the final days it went red, augury and sensitive alike cried out that the doom was coming. After the new moon people expected it to be clear again, yet the first sliver has gone red, mice are going mad, forgetting speech and becoming base animals. Paulette is sending out those guard she can to either keep control or find out what is happening.

Characters: This is an Amber Mouseguard game and characters will be either continuation characters or newly generated on the night using the Amber Mouseguard System.


  1. Gary B
  2. Jonathan A
  3. Tym N
  4. Dave C
  5. Vivek D
  6. Rachel W
  7. Marieke K
  8. Sally P

Game 6/2: Betrayal

Who isn’t a traitor in Amber?

GM: Kevin D
Cast: 4-6
System: Amber DRPG

The Patternfall War concluded without a hitch and Amber won! Well, the history books may say this but for those involved, it wasn’t as pretty a picture. The question is, what was the deciding factor?

    • Was it Oberon’s ultimate demise on the Pattern as he attempted to repair it or indeed his son Corwin’s foolish attempt to provide an alternative?
    • Was the decisive moment in the battle the flank of the Amberite forces by Bleys followed shortly by by Gerard’s fratricide?
    • Was it the Ornate Obsidian Dagger driven deeply between Benedict’s shoulder blades that magically destroyed the man from within?
    • Was it the arrow that pierced Brand’s heart and with it depriving the family of not one but two family members?
    • Was it the final withering of ‘King’ Random, ‘Chosen of the Unicorn’, who gave his life to prevent the utter destruction of Shadow using the dreaded Jewel of Judgement?

Who knows, but with Amber’s Royal family decimated, it’s up to you stabilise this boat, to right the wrong, to hit them where it hurts, to… <insert cliche here>. Let’s get real, it’s your chance to claim the Crown of the One True Throne.

The real question is… will you survive the attempt?

Characters: Characters:

Characters will be built using 200pts using the ADRPG rules with a bespoke Partial Powers setup (Found on To spice things up, there will also be an additional 100pt auction at the start of the game.  The only character requirement is that you, yes you, have a burning desire to claim the Throne of Amber.  We’re not here to pussy-foot around, Amber needs you!


  1. Alan W
  2. Paul J
  3. Edith B
  4. Jason P
  5. Alastair J

Backup Games

For GMs kind enough to offer ‘extra’ games even though they would prefer to be playing!

Game B/1: In That Sleep of Death What Dreams May Come

GM: Alan W
Cast: 6-8 Players
System: ADRPG


“…the wind cries of late
In the whispering grass
Our way of life is held
In the spinning wheels of chance
I believe in a way of long ago
…Tell me more about the forest
That you once called home.”

(Dead Can Dance)

King Oberon has returned to Amber and creation holds its breath. With one hand on the Jewel of Judgement he proclaims:

“Arden will return my sons or face the hammer that has pounded Shadow and Chaos to my will. Know this: where the blow falls there will be no mercy and no hiding place.”


Characters are denizens of Arden. Events occur during Oberon’s reign, when Amber begins its rise to greatness. Details on Powers from the GM.

100pt Characters; Constructs developed with the Shadow Knight rules will be considered if submitted before the Con.


Game B/2: Burning Coal

GM: Vivek D
Cast: 4-8
System: Burning Coal

Note: While the game description is the same as 2/2, the game will be very different – even for players playing both!


It is the turn of the 19th century: The great imperial powers vie for dominance, fuelled by coal and steered by the industrial combines and their brass-and-steel difference engines:

But not all their conflicts are played out in the open, by displays of military might or commercial conflicts – there are other, more shadowy arenas where the Great Game is also played.

At the heart of the British Empire we find The Ministry (it has a name, officially, on paper – but never speak it. It is always just The Ministry).

Home to the freak, the monster, the superhuman, the undead, the spy, the assassin and the mad scientist* and those simply… less trammeled by ordinary moral considerations.

This means you.


Players should pick an archetype or template to build their character on – Mad Scientist*, Monster, Super-spy, Werewolf, Golem, Demon-ridden Sorceress – feel free to plunder any and all of Pulp, Sci-Fi, Fantasy for an idea (or even come up with your own).

That’s who your character is. There should be a reason the ministry would want to employ you – some extraordinary ability, power or skill-set. There should also be a reason you work for the ministry: They might have stayed your execution for a crime (real or framed) in return for your service. Maybe they pay you vast sums of money. Perhaps they are the only source of a drug you need. Or possibly you’re just the right mix of patriotic and amoral that you do it because you want to.

 [Previous: Past Game Books]