Past Game Books – ACNI 2016

AmberCon NI 2016

Friday – Morning Game

(11am – 5pm)

Game 1/1: I am the Hunter

GM: Kevin D
Cast: As many as are able to make the Friday Morning game.
System: ADRPG using the partial powers found on By Design.

I am the Hunter.

Description: “I am the Hunter.”

Characters: Characters should be based on 100pts and represent a fairytale (or pantomime) character of your choice (first come, first served). Please provide me a copy of the fairytale you’re basing your character on (5pts if provided before the Con). ‘Non-Standard’ abilities can generally be crafted using the partial powers linked, but if you get in early enough, we can tailor things too. A single full-length picture representing your character will net you an additional 5pts. As always, the GM can be bribed on the day with suitable snacks 🙂


  1. Dave C
  2. Edith B
  3. Matthew B
  4. Tym N
  5. Jonathan A
  6. Alan W
  7. Scott S
  8. Paul J
  9. Sally P

Friday – Evening Game

(7pm to Late)

Game 2/1: The RĂ©ti Maneuver

GM: Alan W
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG

“That accounts for the bleeding, you see,” she said to Alice with a smile. “Now you understand the way things happen here.”

“But why don’t you scream now?” Alice asked, holding her hands ready to put over her ears again.
“Why, I’ve done all the screaming already,” said the Queen. “What would be the good of having it all over again?” – Alice Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carroll

Characters: Characters are the champions of their respective Shadows. Events occur post-Patternfall. Details on Powers and backgrounds from the GM. Characters are based on 75pts with a free 5pt Shadow.


  1. Richard U
  2. Edith B
  3. Jonathan A
  4. Jason P
  5. Paul J
  6. Sally P

Game 2/2: Stranger Still

GM: Vivek D
Cast: 6-8
System: ADRPG
Description: Set not very long after Patternfall… dealing with the consequences thereof.

Characters: A game for 6-8 elders (except for the known or suspected dead ones) or their children, set not very long after Patternfall, and dealing with the consequences thereof. Unavailable elders: Deirdre, Brand, Eric, Oberon, Dworkin, Corwin and anyone else the GM decides is game breaking. Characters to be built on 200 points plus free pattern for elders, 100 points plus free pattern for children. Children may not take advanced powers. Children of Corwin may take his pattern instead of the Amber one. Anyone playing an elder may get Free Stuff added to their character sheet by the GM, depending on the elder they pick. Everyone likes Free Stuff, right? Since all player characters will have Pattern, no pure-blooded Chaosians.

Character guidelines: If you’re an elder, think about what you did leading up to Patternfall. Think of some dirty secrets you may have, or what knowledge you may have pursued out of sight of your interfering siblings. If you do not have a dirty secret, one will be provided for you. If you are a child, as above for what you did in the lead up to Patternfall, but you don’t have to have a dirty secret.


  1. Dave C
  2. Rachel W
  3. Matthew B
  4. Tym N
  5. Gary B
  6. Kevin D
  7. Scott S

Saturday – Morning Game

(9am – 5pm)

Game 3/1: Fallen Amber

GM: Matthew B
Cast: 4-6
System: Amber DRPG

A great country worthy of the name does not have any friends. – Charles De Gaulle

Setting: An Amber where Corwin never arrived with guns to save the day.

Description: Eric fell upon the stairs and nobody came to his rescue. Dara walked the pattern and Amber fell to Chaos. The remaining Elders are in hiding, subject to attempts by Chaosian Trump Hierarchs to seize them. Brand and Oberon are missing, Corwin is presumed dead and Benedict has lost an arm. The only hope for Amber is the younger generation, those not in the family deck, those who were hidden from records and can move around shadow undetected.

Characters: 100pt characters, no items, followers, shadows or animals. All characters get free limited pattern worth 25pts (the ability to travel shadow by walking and to find and follow paths through shadow), Pattern and Advance Pattern are both 25 points cheaper (costing 25 and 50 pts) as well.


  1. Dave C
  2. Rachel W
  3. Jonathan A
  4. Alan W
  5. Kevin D
  6. Scott S

Game 3/2: Under Eastern Skies, Evil Awakens

GM: Jason P
Cast: 5-7
System: Modified Diceless

Description: The year is 1932, and with the coming of the New Year of the Monkey almost upon us, it is time for both residents and visitors to the colony of Hong Kong to get ready to enjoy the festivities. However in the darker places far from the celebrations, a danger is brewing that threatens the Islands and the wider region. It falls to a handful of brave souls to counter this threat and save the day.

Characters: Characters are exceptional Shadow dwellers, heroes and heroines typical of those found in pulp action fiction, and have a reason to be in Hong Kong. A modified character system is being used and I will send details to players once the games have been allocated.


  1. Richard U
  2. Edith B
  3. Tym N
  4. Vivek D
  5. Gary B
  6. Paul J
  7. Sally P

Saturday – Evening Game

(7pm – Late)

Game 4/1: Lines of Imperfection

GM: Dave C
Cast: 4-6
System: Lords of Gossamer and Shadow

Ten years ago the beacon of Shatterlight faltered and was renewed. No-one knows the cause of its weakness, how it was renewed or by whom. Since then things haven’t been the same and now the Lady of Shatterlight is concentrating her will on the matter. Groups of lesser Lords are sent to the old worlds in search of something or someone – LĂ­getrĂŠsc

Along the Stair the monks of the saffron robe have been seen. Has fabled Alundil been found? Has Great Souled Sam Returned to Gossamer to fight once more?

In a burnt out wreck of a car Hugh Cornwell’s voice comes through, “Something’s happening and it’s happening right now, You’re too blind to see it, Something’s happening and it’s happening right now, Ain’t got time to wait

Characters: Casting sheet will go out before game as I need to know what I’m getting with respect to characters. Characters will be constructed using 150pts from Lords of Gossamer and Shadow. All Artefacts must be pre-approved so no Christmas Tree characters please. Partial Powers available on enquiry for Eidolon and Umbra. I would advise against Invocation – if you really want it make sure you talk to me. No more than 5 pts of Bad/Good stuff. No more than one attribute at Superior or lower (-10pts). No player contributions. Returning characters will need to have a chat with me before and are more than welcome – you know what you did after all.


  1. Kevin D
  2. Richard U
  3. Edith B
  4. Paul J
  5. Gary B
  6. Tym N
  7. Vivek D

Game 4/2: Amber Mouseguard: The Blood Needle

GM: Matthew B
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG(ish) – Setting: Based on Roger Zelazny’s Amber and David Petersen’s Mouseguard

“Take no duty of the Guard lightly. Friends must not be enemies. Just as enemies must not be friends. Discerning the two is a life’s work.” – David Petersen

Nobody knows what happened to the Great City of Giants and Gods generations ago. A great castle lies empty and ruined above the shining pattern that still burns in its basement. They built a great city and an underwater kingdom, but all of it lies deserted and desolate now.

Over time we rose and inherited this realm and slowly built our civilisation and cities. We learned to read and write, to work stone in the manner of the great examples we were given, to work steel to arm ourselves. We inherited the wealth of the Giants, still treating it with the fear and respect it deserved. Now there are three dozen cities and towns from the tree top houses of Oaktown and Pinetown on the edge of the great forest of Arden to the underwater settlement in Rebma, the farms towns of the vale, and the mysterious underground cities of Clarissa and Dybelle in the Grove of the Unicorn. All these settlements are different, and all rule themselves but they have all prospered.

Life is safer, but not safe; in the miles between cities paths and trails offer some protection from the wolves, dogs, snakes, foxes, owls, hawks and other beasts that rove the countryside. There are enemies: savage mice from the mountains, weasels and other beasts from deep in the forest, even the weather can be an enemy. Against these stand the Guard, headquartered in the City of Amber near the outer walls of the Castle itself. The Guard all swear an oath, to be held as sacrosanct:

“We as Guard offer all that we are to protect the sanctity of our species, the freedom of our kin, and the honour of our ancestors. With knowledge, sword, and shield, we do these deeds, never putting a lone mouse above the needs of all, of the desire of self above another. We strive for no less than to serve the greatest good.”

It is deep in winter, snow lines the rooftops and the streets of the great city. The mead is being poured and the tales have started. The guards of Gate Keep are curled up for the long cold and everything is quiet.

Characters: Generation on the night



  1. Jonathan A
  2. Rachel W
  3. Scott S
  4. Alan W
  5. Sally P
  6. Jason P

Sunday – Morning Game

(9am – 5pm)

Game 5/1: Dreams of the Iconoclast

GM: Alan W
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream

Characters: Characters are from a future Shadow Earth, specialists in their chose field. No points required, just a description.


  1. Richard U
  2. Dave C
  3. Vivek D
  4. Gary B
  5. Jason P
  6. Paul J
  7. Sally P

Game 5/2: 4077

GM: Tym N
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG

Description: The Patternfall War rages on with neither side having a decisive advantage. Meanwhile just behind the front line the men and women of a Mobile Amber Surgical Hospital make a startling discovery.

Characters: 50 point characters with some restrictions. Full character creation rules will be sent out to players.


  1. Rachel W
  2. Edith B
  3. Matthew B
  4. Kevin D
  5. Jonathan A
  6. Jonathan C
  7. Scott S

Sunday – Evening Game

(7pm – LATE)

Game 6/1: Amber Mouseguard: The Tempest

GM: Matthew B
Cast: 4-6
System: ADRPG(ish) – Based on Roger Zelazny’s Amber and David Petersen’s Mouseguard

“Clouds, leaves, soil, and wind all offer themselves as signals of changes in the weather. However, not all the storms of life can be predicted.” – David Petersen

Nobody knows what happened to the Great City of Giants and Gods generations ago. A great castle lies empty and ruined above the shining pattern that still burns in its basement. They built a great city and an underwater kingdom, but all of it lies deserted and desolate now.

Over time we rose and inherited this realm and slowly built our civilisation and cities. We learned to read and write, to work stone in the manner of the great examples we were given, to work steel to arm ourselves. We inherited the wealth of the Giants, still treating it with the fear and respect it deserved. Now there are three dozen cities and towns from the tree top houses of Oaktown and Pinetown on the edge of the great forest of Arden to the underwater settlement in Rebma, the farms towns of the vale, and the mysterious underground cities of Clarissa and Dybelle in the Grove of the Unicorn. All these settlements are different, and all rule themselves but they have all prospered.

Life is safer, but not safe; in the miles between cities paths and trails offer some protection from the wolves, dogs, snakes, foxes, owls, hawks and other beasts that rove the countryside. There are enemies: savage mice from the mountains, weasels and other beasts from deep in the forest, even the weather can be an enemy. Against these stand the Guard, headquartered in the City of Amber near the outer walls of the Castle itself. The Guard all swear an oath, to be held as sacrosanct:

“We as Guard offer all that we are to protect the sanctity of our species, the freedom of our kin, and the honour of our ancestors. With knowledge, sword, and shield, we do these deeds, never putting a lone mouse above the needs of all, of the desire of self above another. We strive for no less than to serve the greatest good.”

Spring has broken after a cold and turbulent winter. While the snows still lie on the ground the Guard set out to deal with troubles that have been uncovered within their own ranks.

Characters: Generation – On the night


  1. Gary B
  2. Vivek D
  3. Kevin D
  4. Edith B
  5. Rachel W

Game 6/2: Lines of Imperfection (Re-Run for Session 4/1)

GM: Dave C
Cast: 4-6
System: Lords of Gossamer and Shadow
Characters and Description: See Session 4/1


  1. Jason P
  2. Jonathan A
  3. Jonathan C
  4. Scott S
  5. Alan W

Backup Games

For GMs kind enough to offer ‘extra’ games even though they would prefer to be playing!

Game B/1: Minions

GM: Rachel W
Cast: 5-7
System: ADRPG
Description: The first Golden Circle Summit is about to begin. It will be a week-long meeting involving the heads of every major state, and all the elder Amberites are expected to attend. Coincidentally, at about the same time, troubling rumours start to circulate concerning a backwater shadow that is not currently part of the Golden Circle. Since the elders are not available to investigate in person, who do they send but their most trusted minions?
Characters: Each character is a minion of one of the elders (choice of elder on a first come, first served basis). Characters to be created using the ‘items’ section of the ADRPG.

 [Previous: Past Game Books]