Our Amber Diceless Gaming Convention
Welcome to our Amber gaming convention! Held in Northern Ireland, AmberConNI is a fully scheduled roleplaying game convention devoted to Roger Zelazny‘s Amber Chronicles using Phage Press’s Amber Diceless RPG by Erick Wujcik and to Diceless and Indie RPGs of all varieties. The convention is open to players of all levels of experience with our members united through their interest in both Diceless Roleplaying and Zelazny’s works.

“The Seven” (Game of Thrones) on Downhill Beach, under the shadow of the Mussenden Temple, Northern Ireland.
All Credit to Amanda Killen.
AmberConNI normally takes place just outside Belfast in the first full week of February. Our next convention will be held between the 4th and 10th of February 2025 at the Malone Hotel and in Belfast.
Many folk stay for the duration of the convention but you are of course welcome to come early or stay late to make some time for a bit of sightseeing in what is a stunningly beautiful but often overlooked part of the United Kingdom.
This site will be able to help you with information about the Convention, about the Venue where the Convention will be held, the Cost of Attending, Travel Arrangements, the Important Dates, and How to Register, attend and pay for your spot. You can also find out more about the Games, Systems and Events that will be on offer, the wonderful hotel rooms and gourmet food on offer during the convention.
If you have never attended an AmberCon before and have questions about the the location, format, scheduling, style or anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact us although your best bet is to join us on our Discord Server where the entire convention is manged and where folk have really formed an wonderful Amber and Diceless Gaming centric community: https://discord.gg/JRtFwh8
Tin-Na Nog’Th Diceless Gaming Convention
If you’re looking for information specifically about Tir-Na Nog’th Con, our online-only yearly convention that happens approximately 6 months after ACNI, you can find all the news on our Discord Server at: https://discord.gg/JRtFwh8
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